*ETA: This was supposed to have gone live on Saturday, April 14. I didn’t have all the pictures though (totally my fault) – and then I had no internet… so obviously that didn’t happen. But now I’m home and have pictures – so here we go! Yay!
Friends, you might remember I’m out of town. If you know anything about romance-land, you’ll know that the Romantic Times Booklovers’ Convention is taking place this weekend, in Chicago. I’m not in Chicago. I’ve been bitching about this trip for quite some time. (Those of you who follow me on twitter… well first of all – thanks and kudos, because I probably would have unfollowed me way long ago… Or those I chat with know. I’m not a happy camper about it this weekend.) Anyway, I was bitching about this dress. And Laura Hunsaker was all “I have a bridesmaid dress. That never was. And I’m wearing it everywhere.” So I was all ZOMG WOT?!
I totally admire her, and I think it’s pretty awesome. I’ve always wanted to wear my prom dress to random places. Unfortunately I can’t fit into it now… (Although now now I might be able to…) and I’ve always lacked the courage. I also didn’t want to do it alone. And none of my friends are adventurous enough. Also maybe they’re all bitches. I don’t know. But anyway, here is Ms. Laura to talk about her dress!
What, This Old Thing?
In every single wedding I’ve ever been in, the bride tells the bridesmaids “Don’t you love the dress? And the best part is, you can wear it again.”
How many of you are groaning at that line? I’m rolling my eyes and thinking of the peach, satin, ruffled confection that made me look like an 80s version of Little Bo Peep. When on earth would I ever wear that again?
Well, I have a fabulous black gown, that unfortunately, I will never wear. The wedding was cancelled, and I’m stuck with a gown. Being that I live in Las Vegas, I thought, there has got to be somewhere I can wear this thing, right? So with a husband pushing me to sell the dress, and me pushing him to take me out to a show in the dress, I took matters into my own hands. I will get my money out of this gown.
I decided to do all of my normal activities in this gown. I am writing this post in THE GOWN.
I went to my daughter’s riding lessons in THE GOWN. (note: I tried to ride sidesaddle, but I kept slipping off. It’s too dang hard to climb up in a floor length dress to ride astride! Notice my lovely paddock boots?)
I got my hair done in THE GOWN.
I got a coffee in THE GOWN.
I babysat my nephew in THE GOWN.
I went down a slide in THE GOWN.
So tell me when (if ever) you’ve worn a bridesmaid gown after the wedding. Or where else you think I should wear my bridesmaid gown?
I want to hear too! (I also didn’t look half as good as Laura in what I affectionately called “the magpie dress.”) Laura has also very generously offered up a copy of her ebook, so let us know if you’d like to be part of the drawing too! I can’t wait to hear about any bridesmaid dresses. Or dresses you’ve bought in general for an event. Or where Laura should wear hers – cuz you know we’re going to demand pictures!
I wore a bridesmaid dress to my husband’s prom. But the prom was a month before my friend’s wedding, so I took a biiiiiig risk. I still can’t believe I did it.
I wore a bridesmaid dress to the RWA RITA/Golden Heart Awards. I LOVE that dress, feel so beautiful in it and I vowed I woud wear it when I could (which isn’t very often since I’m a jeans & T-shirt kinda girl most of the time!)
I’ve never worn a bridesmaid dress. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks.
I’m actually looking for a bridesmaid dress right now. It’ll be my first time being a bridesmaid. My friend’s being awesome about the dresses though. My only instruction is to get a Little Black Dress. It can be any style, etc… It just has to be black. She wants us to not spend a lot of money and she wants us all to feel comfortable, look great, and have something that we would be able to wear again (and would want to). She’s great! 😉
I do have a very pretty lavender bridesmaid dress that I loved. I actually got to pick them out myself 🙂 However, I have never found anything to wear it to since. I generally wear jeans, capris, t-shirts, etc….really comfy.
Loved the pics of Laura wearing the dress in daily life. Other places/things she could do could be grocery shopping, running errands, mowing the yard, etc.
Laura looked fab in the dress everywhere she went. Easily could wear it for a night on the town or to a wedding (tongue in cheek since the one it was purchased for didn’t happen). Every day events to wear it to could be on a picnic, gardening, shopping – you get the picture!
I only have two bridesmaids dresses – alas, I have only been in two other weddings besides my own. I must say the dresses I picked for my bridesmaids was lovely. Baby blue floor length gown with spaghetti straps and a nice neckline – nothing plunging, and not a frill or ribbon in sight and that was in 81.
The ones I wore – one was Little Bo Peeps’ but in lavendar not peach. I hate all shades of purple and my soon to be sister in law knew it but it was her favorite color. I have a family picture of me wearing it that stares at me each time I use our computer room.
The other gown was tea length, cap sleeves in a melon color with a stiff type fabric. Very pretty but not the kind of dress you could really wear again although that was the intent when my sister picked it.
Sorry not good with uploading/scanning photos so no pictures for you to see.
Thanks for sharing, I would love to be part of the ebook drawing – I have a Nook.
I’ve never been in a wedding (not counting my own JP wedding) so I don’t have any bridesmaid’s dresses, but I will admit to having, on occasion, bought a particularly impressive (by which I mean eye-rendingly hideous) concoction at Goodwill to add to my daughter’s collection of Halloween/dress up costumes. I’m afraid that, now that she’s 12, she’ll want me to stop.
I have one bridesmaids dress that I wore… to the wedding. It’s even a type that I /could/ wear it again, if I ever went somewhere that formal attire was appropriate. Alas, it will likely hide in my closet for a few more years before I sell it.
Thanks everyone!
Alexa, if I can make it to Nationals in July, you better believe I’ll be wearing this gown! lol
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I have been a bridesmaid two times. The first, oh my god that dress was so ugly I couldn’t get rid of it fast enough. The second, though, was very nice and I actually still have it. I can’t fit into it anymore, but I kept it anyway. 🙂
Love the pictures!
Laura, oh my gosh – if you go to Anaheim I hope I’m there and I get to see THE GOWN. It would be amazingly epic. … I’d even wear my dress – and even bring the heels. (Which would take SO MUCH luggage space!) You see what I’m willing to do for you in this imaginary trip? Although – I should make you promise that if I go you go too since it’s so much closer for you…
I can’t remember. Have you worn it grocery shopping? I think the library would be fun. Hahah – and pumping gas onces :X (mid day!)
… For me… this is the first bridesmaid dress I’ve had to wear. Otherwise I used to have a “wedding outfit” – one of two black and white dresses. T_T I lost my black shrug in NYC at the Kensington party last year and I was too chicken to email a week later when I was home about it. : I should have.
I have, however, bought dresses expecting to wear them but never have. : Oops. One is so just… no. I’m going to have to be like 60 when I wear it. (And hopefully tiny…)
Oh that is too funny! I loved those pictures, but yes, you definitely got your moneys worthy by doing all those things with the dress 😉 I’ve only been a bridesmaid once and that was a few years out of high school. And lets face it some of us go thru body changes (as I did) and there’s no way I could wear that dress, for one it won’t fit and two it really is hideous, I don’t think I would even go to get coffee in it…it’s got lace all over, up to my neck…blah!
Could you imagine going to a parent/teacher conference in THE GOWN? Into a McDonald’s or fast food restaraunt?! Haha. I have/had one of my bridesmaids dresses and I turned into a pillow! I loved the material but I knew the big huge bow that fit so perfectly ( i say this with an eyeroll) on my @ss would never see the light of day…or night for that matter! And the pillow was such a hit that my daughter took it over some 15 yrs later!
Great contest!
If I go to Nationals, you bet I’ll have The Gown 😉
I should go get gas, and then maybe wander the Strip in it. The problem is, that dressed up to the nines doesn’t really stand out on the Strip. I would have to do mundane things like the library, or pick up my daughter in it from her school (she’d hate me for that! lol)
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