News and a Plea… of sorts…

So you obviously know about my fledgling blog if you’re here. (And can I just tell you how jazzed I am that you are? Big sloppy thank yous!) Anyway, I’m trying to make this thing sustainable, and I have the attention span of a two year old (that’s being generous). Those two are rather conflicting purposes? Concepts? Truths?

My point is, I scheduled in advance then. I’ve asked a few authors to guest blog. Not as book tours or anything like that (though I’m open to the potentiality of those  – you can contact me on the nifty form you see above) – just as a… fun thing and a “regularly scheduled programming” type thing for my blog. Also, it keeps me accountable and on the ball. I also didn’t want this to turn into a promo blog because, well that’s not my purpose. I love pimping out authors and sharing the awesome book love, but that’s not my goal so I’ve got guest reader bloggers lined up too. Nearly through 2012. Yes, through. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, so it’s thrilling to get the chance now. I’ve only had one outright rejection, and a few non-responses. [You can see the “schedule” as it were on the nice little calendar page.]

Which takes us to my plea. Does anyone know how to add a widget to a wordpress blog page? The kicker is… this is a free blog. I know if I pay to have it hosted somewhere, then it’d be easy and I’d just edit the HTML/CSS/whatever. (Ok, so I’m not techy but I could figure it out.) The thing is, I’m poor. I’ve got to keep this thing free, unless the magic money fairy visits me and plants a money tree in the back yard that flowers USD perpetually, or I win the lottery, the probability of either of those things happening feels about equal to the likelihood of me finding a job… < / bitterness > You get the point. So… would that be possible? Having a calendar widget type thing in a new page without having to go into CSS editing since I can’t with a free blog? I’d love to have something in calendar view that’s actually a calendar. Anyone? Help?

And, back to your “regularly scheduled programming.” I considered for about 5 seconds doing daily posts. That’s not going to happen. So I thought about three a week, then was scared I’d run out of content, so I’m planning on updating every Tuesday, and Saturday. These Thursday posts – well they serve dual purposes. For me to tell you about how this is all going to go down, and also to have a bit more content since this blog is so very new.

The first Tuesday of every month I’ll be having a “Guest Author & A Giveaway.” February is slightly different because Marie Force will be visiting with us the third Tuesday, because Alexandra Hawkins won’t actually be doing a guest post due to her schedule. June is also different because it’s my birthday month, and if I can’t do it up big on my own blog… well that’s not a concern because I can. The third Saturday of every month will be a guest blog post from a reader. First up, we have Rowena, who was incredibly kind and generous and agreed to be my first v̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶reader guest.

Photo credit to Salvatore Vuono &

If there’s ever “breaking news” [hah- cuz I’m so on top of things] you know, I’ll toss that in there. Or another fundraising drive like Social Good day. 🙂 So there you have it. Now you know what to expect, and you can keep me accountable! Also come February I expect to schedule posts at say 12:03 AM instead of 11:03 AM EST… Yes, they are arbitrary and random times. Kinda like me! 😉

*Incidentally, if you’ve emailed me but I never responded… I’ve learned from some other people that my email account has been… well, a brat, and rejecting things? Generally a second try works – but… do please try again! I’m not ignoring you, promise! And even though I’m bad with email I’m usually not that bad…

0 thoughts on “News and a Plea… of sorts…

  1. Rowena

    No worries sweets, you know I got you! =) I’m excited about all of the visitors that will be stopping by…all the way through 2012, holy crackers Lime! Talk about thinking ahead…=) Go you!

    1. Limecello Post author

      Me too! :X I really hope people stop by and chat with you or I’m going to be known as a sucky host and totally mortified! [You know, cuz it’s all about me ;)] <3 Ya, Wena!

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  3. Booklover1335

    Hey Lime,

    Shoot me an email and we can discuss possibilities. I added a calendar to my blog not that long ago that updates automatically so I MAY and I stress only may be able to give you a few ideas.

  4. Brae

    You know I wish I could help. I’m still working on the hosting thing myself. Found a place, doing 3 months to see how it works but it hasn’t gone very far yet.

    I do need to take some initiative like you did and get some peeps scheduled. My brain just hasn’t wrapped around it yet even though we’ve talked about it. lol


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