Happy New Year, Bunnies!

Nope – not a typo. Didja know it’s the Lunar New Year? Which is pretty much one of the most amazing holidays ever. Why? You eat a ton of excellent food, and get money. And you don’t have to go to work or school. Ah, wouldn’t it be nice to be in East Asia right now? (Or any Asian country that celebrates it… although wikipedia wants to complicate things…)

So this is the year of the rabbit. In the [Chinese] zodiac you can either be a mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog, or boar. It’s based on what year you were born. You can read more about it for really basic stuff. (Cuz we all know everything wiki says is true, and that it’s the penultimate expert yeah?) Anyway, all you rabbits out there, this is your special year. So if you are one, personally I think you should go make a big deal about it. Tell your spouse/significant other, family, friends, etc, that you expect something good for your birthday in 2011 ;).

Anyway, I’m worn out and in light of … well, all recent events – I’m going to cut this short. However, I do have some things to share. Bookwise, my friend Cathie will be posting some of her reviews here, which I’m totally excited about. The first one will go live next week. So now you have something to look forward to 😉

And then, in light of it being the year of the rabbit… I have a question for you. Can you think of any romances that have rabbits? They don’t need to feature them, but it’s got to be more than a single mention. And no, a blip of the characters f*cking like bunnies doesn’t count either 😛

So go on, stay warm for those of you hit by storms in the US; stay dry for those of you in the path of the storm Down Under, and those of you in other various parts of the world… stay safe.

And since I brought up the whole holiday issue… Do you like Chinese food? Or other Asian cuisine? Are you doing anything to celebrate this “holiday?” Did you know about it? Annnndddd imagine you were going to feast. What would you have? I know there are certain lucky or traditional New Years dishes – black eyed peas, pork and sauerkraut… can you think of any auspicious dishes? Or you know- whatever you’d want to eat, because enjoying a meal is always a good thing.

Oh yes – and 恭喜發財, 新禧快樂!!! <3

*ETA: Shiloh Walker is doing a really important charity drive. All you have to do is comment at her blog. I’ll talk more on this on Saturday as well.

0 thoughts on “Happy New Year, Bunnies!

  1. StacieDM

    I am the year of the Ox and my husband is year of the Tiger. We both LOVE asian food. My husband spends half of his year on business trips to China. He is not an adventurous eater but he doesn’t have a choice when he goes to other countries. We love Japanese buffets where we can try lots of new things. Asian cuisine is my husband’s absolute favorite. He puts sriracha on EVERYTHING.

    I honestly can’t think of romance books with bunnies. Of Mice & Men is the only story that comes to mind LOL.

    GeishasMom73 on twitter

    1. Limecello Post author

      Stacie – Hee! I know nothing about the personality characteristics etc of the Chinese Zodiac, but an ox and a tiger seem like quite the couple! Not one to mess with 😉
      I’d say if/when forced to go places food wise, China is not so bad. Authentic Chinese can be a wonderful thing.
      Japanese buffets kinda amuses me, cuz the Japanese are so, well, Spartan generally. But they’re definitely popular stateside!

      I couldn’t think of any romances with bunnies either! Was going to possibly give them away, but came up blank! :X

  2. Caffey

    That’s so my favorite pic of a woman reading! It has a historical feel to it. I use it for my icon in some places but can’t find who the artist is! I shall keep looking.

    I learn so much here already! So didn’t know it was Lunar New years! But says I’m a Rat 🙁 I’m terrified of them so that wasn’t good, LOL. Seems, I think, all born early Feb are Rat. I’m learning a bit how that works. I looked all over with themes and nothing with bunnies! The only one I remember with a pet that I read last was a kitten in a sweet regency read by Nancy Lawrence and it was A Bewitching Minx. Thats all I can remember with even a pet in it, LOL.

    I’m looking forward to sharing the review here and chatting about it! Thanks again.

    Stay warm!

    1. Limecello Post author

      Cathie – I saw it was your gravatar, so I used it to denote you! o/ It’s gorgeous – really got to see the full image on your profile.
      Awe – I prefer the term “Mouse” instead of “Rat” – because translated generally it’s mouse/I think of mouse/the word for mouse. Although I think Chinese people just basically consider all rodents the same 😛
      However… no it’s not based on month- it’s what year you were born…

      So *bats eyes* I can expect more reviews from you too, right? 😉

  3. Angie T

    Hey! Do Dust Bunnies count? Jayne Ann Krentz’s series about ghosthunters and para-psychics has them!
    Being from the South, it’s all about the collard greens and black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day. But being Italian, it was all about the tradition fish/seafood dinner on Christmas Eve!
    I love Asian food. Korean and Vietnamese are my favorites.

  4. gamistress66

    First thing that popped in my mind in regards to books w/ bunnies was the Hathaway books by Kleypas. I’m sure there were bunnies in at least one of them since Bea was such and animal lover & forever rescuing/helping them.

    I enjoy chinese food and have even cooked a little Thai inspired dinners. My problem is I don’t know enough about most Asian meals to be comfortable ordering them out unless I’m with someone who eats it regularly and can help me out with my choice. Then I’m willing to be a little adventurous and go for something besides the usual chinese fare.

    Hoppy new year 🙂 (I know bad 😉 but I couldn’t resist)


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