(And a birthday!)
Hello everyone! Please welcome Maisey Yates as my special author guest today. She writes for Harlequin Presents, and it’s totally exciting because she’s currently the youngest author with that line. Her first book, His Virgin Acquisition, was released October 1, 2010, and got rave reviews. Anyway, let’s get right on to what Maisey called “The Limeterview” 😛
1. What’s your favorite type of cheese? This is a hard question, because cheese is awesome. But my husband makes a mean homemade mozzarella.
2. What’s your writing process? It varies. Generally though, I plot character arc/conflict and pants from there. 🙂 My process also seems to include a lot of revisions, but they’ve certainly made me a stronger writer!
3. Do you collect anything? Books. How cliche am I? Oh well…yep. Romance novels as far as the eye can see around here.
4. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at school? I only went to public school through sixth grade, until college so my stories are limited. I did throw up in front of the whole class once. (I am sorry I asked >.<)
5. How do you feel about the dentist? The dentist is great. I would love to be able to afford to go to one. 😉
6. What’s the first thing you learned how to cook? Spaghetti. I was nine and my mom was sick and one of our next door neighbors came and told me how silly it was I didn’t know how to cook for my mother, so she directed the process.
7. Which time period/area would you most like to go to? Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia, Africa, or South America? I’m going to go with China. Jeannie Lin made me want a little Tang Dynasty action. Plus, don’t fancy being thrown into the arena in Rome…
8. Do you eat marshmallows straight out of the bag, hold them at the edge of the fire till they’re lightly golden brown, or torch them till they’re black and crackly on the outside? I eat marshmallows all those ways plus just in my hot chocolate till they get all melty. I aspire one day to make homemade marshmallows, but haven’t been brave enough yet.
9. “Celebrity” Author death match – who would you most want to take on? [you don’t have to say why ;)] since I brought up Jeannie Lin, I’ll say her. Here’s why: She’s really sweet, and she’s about a foot shorter than me. I like those odds.
10. We’re going to play word association – you need to respond with the first thing that comes to mind. (We did this via email, basically using it as “instant messaging.”)
otter: frolic
stapler: cathunk
Tudor: Jonathan Rhys Meyers
jello: bone marrow
snow: pristine
Mario: Lopez
mauve: The Golden Girls
cleaver: Wally
tire: iron
cord: strangle o_O
With my next release, An Accidental Birthright, I wanted to kind of do a twist on the theme of a secret baby. To have the hero and heroine find themselves in the position of having a baby together when they have nothing in common, and no connection beyond their mutual love and desire to see the best thing done for their child. And at the time, IVF mix-ups were big news so I got to thinking…And it’s a dangerous thing when an author, at least this author, gets to thinking.
An IVF clinic mix-up means eternally single Alison Whitman is now carrying the child – no, the royal heir – of Maximo Rossi, Prince of Turan! Now he’ll take her for his wife! Maximo had given up on the hope of fatherhood a long time ago – until this surprise second chance. Now, the dynamic ruler will seize the opportunity with both hands. However, tradition is high on the prince’s agenda, and he’ll never stand for an heir born out of wedlock. Alison is about to find out that royal marriage is a command, not a choice!
An Accidental Birthright is available on eharlequin.com now, and will be available in store in April! And, lucky me, I have another release, The Inherited Bride, hitting the shelves in May, and it actually features a character that you’ll meet in An Accidental Birthright. 🙂
Thanks for coming to play with us Maisey! (Also you guys – what a weirdo with her word associations, right? :X) But really – y’all should talk to her because guess what? Tomorrow is Ms. Maisey’s BIRTHDAY! That’s right – she’s turning twelve!!! Heh ok, so she’s turning 25. A whole quarter of a century. Infant. Isn’t she so adorable in her party dress? 😉 So everyone wish the baby a happy birthday!!! 😀
Right, and for her birthday, Maisey is very generously giving away two copies of An Accidental Birthright – so … Maisey is too nice to make you work for it, but I’m not. I want meaningful comments, people! Either about Harlequin Presents, or birthday stuff. Cheers and good luck! <3
*ETA: And totally off topic, and definitely not my favorite show – at all but the Travel Channel is donating $0.10 for every person who watches the new episode of Bizarre Foods tonight. Try to tune in, if at all possible, even just for background noise…
Dude? What part of “I know kung fu” did you not get?
Happy birthday girl. Fabulous line up of books to ring in the party with!
Jeannie, how much Kung Fu do you know? Because I’d bet I could hold my arm out straight and put my hand on your forehead and keep you at bay…
Um…thanks for the birthday wishes! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Maisey!
It was great reading new things about you.
And congrats for all the new releases hitting the shelves!
Thank you, Nas! I much appreciate it! And yes, new things…I can only thank my citrusy friend for her great interview skillz.
Happy Birthday Maisey! Congratulations on your new book. I like the idea of an IVF mix-up leading to marriage. It would create so many interesting situations for the couple!
I would like to know what it was like the first time you saw your very first Harlequin Presents book. Was it surreal to see your name on the cover? Did you love the artwork? I want all of the juicy details dammit! 🙂
Hi Stacie! *waves* It’s always surreal. Every time. All four of them. LOL. The very first cover I saw I was almost more fascinated by the people. I was like, ‘that’s them!’ and my husband was more fixated on my name than I was! He’s also the one that smelled the first author copies when they came…but that’s an entirely different story.
And I have been kissed by the cover fairy, both here and abroad. I have loved all of my covers so far!
Happy Birthday, Maisey!
Thanks Julia!
Happy Birthday Maisey! My littlest guy just turned 5 on Feb 27. So I guess you don’t have to be the baby. lol
I don’t get a chance to read many Presents but I love their story lines. I just never know what to pick. Now I have a place to start. (Thank you Lime and Maisey)
My question for ya…
Why did jello make you think bone marrow?
Brandy, my oldest will be 5 in April, so I’m not anywhere near the baby. I just act like one!
Also…aw shucks. You should try Lynn Raye Harris and Jennie Lucas for a very dark alpha hero, Sarah Morgan and Sandra Marton always have a bit of humor. And India Grey writes so beautifully. I could go on and on with suggestions, but I’ll let you start there hehe…
As for Jello. Gelatin is made from boiled bones, hooves and internal organs from cows, pigs and horses. Thank you, you’re welcome. 🙂
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Maisey, LOL! Remind me not to eat a hot dog in front of you at Nationals lest you begin listing all the I’d-rather-not-know ingredients.
Congrats on the releases and the birthday!!
A meaningful comment, eh? Okay, how about a quote I read years ago but have no idea who to attribute it to? It’s one I try to live by . . .
“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.”
Aimee, you can’t make this stuff up, I’m eating a hot dog right now. WTH is mechanically separated turkey? Does it mean they tied one turkey leg to the bumper of one car and the other to the bumper of another car and…well, y’know.
And on that note, it’s quite possible I’ll skip the growing up, thank you very much. 😉
Hey, thanks for the mention! Many congratulations on your latest releases, and a HUGE Happy Birthday! You’re all right for a kid. *ggg* I’m looking forward to reading AAB!
Lynn, always and anytime. And thanks for the happy happy birthday! I’m hoping my pony is in the mail. I can’t wait to read the Devil’s Heart!! And I’m glad we’re shelf buddies. 🙂
Whee!!! Happy birthday, Miss Maisey! <3
Thank you for guesting with us 🙂
Happy Birthday Maisey. How exciting to have a b-day right smack between a ton of book releases!
I have not had an opportunity to devour your work yet, but you are now added to my list. Can’t wait!
Thank goodness for Twitter or I would have trouble finding new authors with good works to inhale.
Have the best day ever and never forget that you are AWESOME!
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Thanks for having me Miss Lime!
Slush, thanks so much! 🙂
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