Um… so Ali’s post should go up later… once she sends it to me 😛 I tried to tell her to drunk text me her post but she didn’t! Can’t you believe the nerve? 😉
Anyway, I realize I’m super tardy on the winner for Susan Lyons’s Guest Author & A Giveaway post. Sorry, friends, and sorry, Susan! Anyway, the lucky winner is GrowlyCub – so use that handy dandy contact form please and shoot me an email with your info. (I feel like there should be a chorus of “yay,!” here…)
The winners of Jill Sorenson and Jackie Barbosa’s guest posts are in the comments of their respective blog spots… (the attack of the J’s!). And… let’s see. Upcoming – on Tuesday, we have the awesome Roxanne St. Claire sharing an exclusive excerpt of her new book that release that very day, Face of Danger. It’s all timed so perfectly, yes? (And by exclusive, I mean its not posted anywhere else. That’s the agreement of Teaser Tuesday features. Fun, yes? :D)
And then on May 3, we have Lynne Raye Harris as the Guest Author & A Giveaway feature for the month.
Exciting stuff? And… I’ll try to post some reviews. I’ve been re-reading bits of Maya Banks’s “Sweet” series… and Lauren Dane’s Seattle series as I call it… (LOVE that one, incidentally… if the guys in that were real I’d so move to Seattle. Not that it’d be a hardship since I loved the city while I was there.)
So enough babble. Still sick. (I know, right?!) But glad it’s a holiday weekend. I was informed by my parents that I have to go to the/an early service on Sunday so I can have “Easter Dinner” with them. Heh. So do you celebrate Easter? Have any plans? Gonna gorge yourself on all the chocolate and candy you can find in stores?
And… do you (we?) care about reviews? [In general, yes, but also content-wise.]