I met Joy at RT10 in Columbus, Ohio, and we’ve been fast friends since. She, Ali, and I are quite the trio, and they’re some of my favorite people in the romance community. (Incidentally, look forward to a joint post in June!) Joy is much more well known that I am in the romance community – she’s the co-owner of Joyfully Reviewed, so without further ado, what she has to say!
I been fan of romance books since I picked up my Barbara Cartland book at the age of 13, I know I am dating myself but there is no shame in showing my romance roots. LOL. (Personally, I don’t think that really dates you, Joy, because I picked up my first Barbara Cartland in high school… and many of her books are being released digitally now by her estate, so many more people can still be introduced to romance via her books!)
I progressed onto Kathleen E. Woodiwiss and never looked back. Romance novels appeal to me on many levels but today I will be discussing Books That Have Stuck With Me long after reading The End. These are the books that I can re-read over & over and they still have the same impact as when I first read them.
Whether it be a hot love scene, an unforgettable hero or heroine, a storyline that blew my mind or challenged me to read a genre to which I never thought I would, the following books hold a special place in my romance heart.
In Alphabetical Order:
Stephanie Burke: Keeper of The Flame
Rhyannon Byrd: Waiting For It & Triple Play
Joey W. Hill: Branded Sanctuary & Make Her Dreams Come True
Dara Joy: Knight Of A Trillion Stars
Susan Kyle (aka Diana Palmer): Night Fever
Shelly Laurenston: Pack Challenge, Go Fetch! & A Pride Christmas In Brooklyn (I couldn’t find a link for this book. Gah.)
Lora Leigh: Wicked Intent & Marly’s Choice
Lena Matthews: Steven’s Salvation
Shannon McKenna: Something Wild
Bridget Midway: Corporate Seduction
Violet Summers: Velvet Submission
Kathleen E Woodiwiss: The Flame and The Flower
For Keeper of the Flame by Stephanie Burke: An alien male, from a planet that is run by women, that lands on Earth, about to give birth, yes I said give birth, need I say more? This was my very first e-book purchase ever. I was bored of the same old same old stories that I was reading in print at the time, went looking on the net for new authors and ran across a cover that looked like it had a black heroine on it. I said to myself, she must have a tan because I had never seen a person of color on a romance book up to that point. I ran across this thing called E-Books, intrigued I investigated further, low & behold, yes the heroine was black. Stephanie Burke had me at hello with the blurb and I have never looked back on e-books since. Flame is an Alpha Male but he’s vulnerable given his condition and he has to depend Kendall for his & his children’s survival. Stephanie Burke suspended my disbelief and took me into a world that I not only enjoyed but wanted to read more about.
And with Jaci Burton’s Summer Heat, Hero Aidan Storm (get it? I love it!) is from a family that can control the weather. Come on, how could you not want to read a paranormal with a storyline like this? Oh, the endless possibilities of naughtiness, teehee. Aidan uses his powers to get closer to Melissa Cross, our heroine, who is not prepared to handle this oh so sensual man. There is a scene in a casino that still makes me shiver. Jaci Burton pens heroes that make me melt, they aren’t afraid to admit to their mistakes and make it up to their women in ways that make me tremble : )
What are some of your favorite Romance Books That Have Stuck With You and why? (Isn’t this the perfect follow up to Thursday’s post? Joy went with something you’ve already been thinking about! Also, we may or may not be adding things, because Joy sent me this post, then was called away- friend emergency. :X)
ETA: Joy has generously decided to do a few giveaways, so comment comment comment!
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