Hi everyone! We’ve got Karen Erickson visiting with us today, as you can see. She had a new book come out yesterday – so happy [belated] book release day to you, Ms. Erickson!
First, I want to offer a giant thank you to the lovely Limecello for having me as a guest on her blog today. I’m excited to talk about the newest novella in The Merry Widow series, Her Christmas Pleasure, which just came out Monday from Carina Press.
I’m still blown away by the beauty of the cover. It’s gorgeous, if I do say so myself. Let’s all stare at it for a moment, shall we?
Sigh. I love that red gown. It’s from a scene in the story and at first I had my heroine wearing a green dress. Then I realized that wouldn’t do so I switched it to red. Being the forward, positive thinker that I am, I’m sure I had a flashing thought of, Oh, a red gown would look much better on the cover, don’t you think? I’m pretty sure I asked for the model to be wearing a red gown when I filled out the cover art sheet. I was so thrilled to see I got my wish.
I swear I write Christmas-themed stories for the covers—they are always so pretty! Magical and twinkling and bright with festive colors or snowy landscapes, that’s probably half the reason I buy so many Christmas-themed books, too. Okay, I sound totally hokey but I don’t care. I love Christmas! Even though I’m the exhausted mama who makes all the magic happen in my house and by the end of the season I am so, so done, I still love it.
And I really hope you love Damien and Celia’s story as much as I loved writing it.
Contest: To celebrate the release of HER CHRISTMAS PLEASURE, I’d like to gift a copy to one lucky winner via Amazon Kindle. And you don’t need a Kindle to read it – you can download the Kindle app on pretty much any phone or PC. Just answer the following question:
What are you most looking forward to this December?
Damien Morton is madly in love. Unfortunately, it’s with his best friend’s widow, Lady Danver. Damien is not worthy of Celia. Or so he thinks. Desperate to escape his feelings for her, he plans to leave the country at the first of the year. Celia treats him as a family friend and nothing more—until they share a heated kiss beneath the mistletoe…
Celia is shocked by the passions that surge within her at her dear friend’s kiss. One touch and one taste aren’t enough to satisfy her cravings, and she is startled into action. Damien has stirred something inside her that she never expected to experience again, and she must have more. Full of shameless desire and emotions newly discovered, she decides to pursue Damien and won’t be deterred. Will she be able to convince him to stay—both in her heart and life— forever?
You can read an except here.
You can also find Karen at various places throughout the web. First, her website of course. Her blog, The Smutketeers, Facebook, and twitter.
I’m curious too! What are you looking forward to in December? Anything I can do to make that happen? 😉
My grandson is 3 and this year he’s really into santa and christmas. He is making the holiday fun for all of us. He’s so excited to drive anywhere at night because there christmas lights are on. Its nice to spend time with little ones again.
Hi, Karen and Lime! Karen, congrats on your beautifully colored release of Her Christmas Pleasure!
I am looking forward to my brother’s visit this month, the Christmas preparations, and the time spent with family and friends. I am also looking forward to reading Her Christmas Pleasure and other new releases.
Wow, the cover is just spectacular! Congratulations, Karen.
I am very much looking forward to the first snow of the season so that I can build snowmen with my kids. My son is 3 and old enough to really help out with the “snowsman”. And I’m also looking forward to drinking hot chocolate in front of the fireplace and watching some of my favorite Christmas movies with my family. Christmas is such a great time of year for cuddling.
Karen, congrats on the release of Her Christmas Pleasure. I love the cover. The story sounds really good.
This December isn’t going very well so far. I’m hoping that my mom will be here for Christmas but only time will tell. My mom is in the hospital and the doctors are basically saying that it is up to her if she is going to make it. So far she is doing ok.
Congrats on the new release, Karen! Beautiful cover!
I’m looking forward to two weeks off from work in December. I know, not very exciting but much needed. 🙂
Congrts Karen! Lime, I love that dress too; every time I see a cover like that I have a secret wish that there were still fancy holiday balls we could attend and dance cards to fill:) This December (wow that got here fast) I’m looking forward to finally getting weather cool enough for me to be able to turn off my a/c. Yeah I know, it’s crazy but it’s still been warm in the day here in tx…scary climate change:-/
Congratulations on the release of Her Christmas Pleasure and it’s gorgeous cover!
I’m looking forward to spending some time with my husband. His job has him on the road and I’ve only seen him twice (for a total of 16 hours) in the last two months.
For everything there is a season and for every reader there is a novel or novella to read! I love both depending on what I’m going to be doing!
During the cold snowy days of winter and the hazy lazy days of summer a novel is perfect to curl up in front of a fire or air conditioner! A novella is a must when standing in the bank or in a grocery line but also for those docter’s visit where there is always an emergency right before your appointment is scheduled.
Novel or novella, each individual reader must be the judge. My biggest problems are picking book or kindle, novel or novella. There again it depends “real” book will do but for those other times it’s also means choosing between a “real” book or my Kindle!
Fortunately picking the author is easy because with Karen’s books whether it’s a new release or an old favorite you know you’ll be entertained and the biggest problem will be putting it down!
There is no problem between getting a copy of Her Christmas Pleasure or waiting for Lessons in Indiscretion because I need to get a copy of Her Christmas Pleasure in time for Christmas and pre-order a copy of Lessons in Indiscretion so it magically appears on my Kindle the day it’s released!
I guess what I am most looking forward to is just spending time with my nieces and nephews.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I wish someone could make my December wish come true but it is totally up to me. I am housecleaning and I am really looking forward to the end result!
I am really looking forward to Christmas Eve, when the kids are asleep, presents are wrapped and I’m curled up on the couch with hubs watching Love Actually while the lights sparkle on the tree. I hope I also have a mug of hot chocolate with Baileys in it. Yum!
Christmas food, presents and decorating the house/tree. Thanks!
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I’m looking forward to being able to read and relax some during the hectic days of December while getting ready for both Hanukkah and Christmas. I especially look forward to the week between Christmas and New Year’s when I can really veg out and read to my heart’s content. So many of my favorite authors have new books out and I can’t wait to read them all.
I am looking forward to Christmas Eve this year. My daughter is hosting and my husband’s entire family will be there for the first time ever. Plus there will be assorted friends and neighbors attending.
Really, does it get any better than that? Fun and games with family and friends…perfection.
Curling up by the small
bonfire in my backyard with my new nook color tablet! Of course the books I cant get enough of are the woderful Christmas books that make my holidays more festive! Thanks for this contest! And happy to know that i have the Kindle app on my computer so i can read this book if I win!
I am looking forward to this christmas with my family… My boys are finally old enough to get into christmas! Thank you for the chance to win! =D
Hey everyone! It was fun to read your answers. I’ve been without power for almost 3 days and with limited internet access so finally made it over here!
So…I’m looking forward to being with family and watching my kids open their gifts. I complain about Christmas shopping but really I get way too into it and always end up buying my kids too much stuff. LOL Oh, and I’m looking forward to COOKIES. 😉
Thanks everyone for stopping by and commenting and a big thank you to Ms Limecello for having me as a guest!
I am looking forward to seeing my whole family on Christmas day. My little nephews are two and four and I’m looking forward to seeing them open their presents.
Hey everyone – I went ahead and used random.org and it chose #2 so the winner of Her Christmas Pleasure is…Cathy P!!! Congrats!!!
Cathy, email me at karen.e.erickson @ gmail.com and I’ll get your copy of Her Christmas Pleasure to you. Thanks everyone for commenting and Happy Holidays! 🙂
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Thanks Karen and Lime! I have sent an email to you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!