Open Call for Teaser Tuesday Spots!

One Full Year of Teaser Tuesdays!

Can you guys believe it?! I started my blog the first week of January in 2010, basically. And by February I was like “… I need to do something new – something different – so I thought about it, and went with what I love. Book excerpts. More than anything else, excerpts are what sell books to me.

So then I put out a few twitter calls, and emailed people, and most authors were all “sure I can share an excerpt. Hey I’ll do a giveaway too!”

And I was all “!!!” and so it was bornstarted. (Can’t say that “b” word because we all know how I hate the whole sentient beings vs inanimate objects thing.)

I’m curious though – what do you think about excerpts? Do you look for them before you decide to read or buy a book? Have you ever up and bought a book based on an excerpt you read here?!

I think it’d be >.> very important for you to answer. Of course I also think I should make some sort of clever/adorable graphic. And so I did, y’all!

And… just a little side note – but … what would you guys think if I started taking advertisements from [authors] here? Good thing? Bad? Like or dislike? Would you care or notice?

**ETA: Duh – haha, I thought this was clear but sometimes it is in my head and not to others… if you’d like to participate in a Teaser Tuesday, please contact me. I’d love to have you!

0 thoughts on “Open Call for Teaser Tuesday Spots!

    1. Limecello Post author

      lol thanks Regina – glad you think if (and that’s a big if) I start doing/selling ad space you’re all for it. >.> I think? It’s been a long week. Yes already!

  1. Barbara Monajem

    Yes, please do excerpts. I sometimes buy a book based on an excerpt, especially if the author is new to me.

    What exactly do you mean by advertisements? Isn’t an excerpt an ad of sorts?

    1. Limecello Post author

      Barbara, I have to admit your comment threw me for a major loop. Never in my life would I have thought people considered guest blogs, or excerpt posts advertisements.
      Many other blogs have them – most notably DA and SBTB. That’s what I meant with possibly starting advertisements. Ideally to you know, at least break even with the “operating” of the blog.

      I’m still entirely just playing with the idea though – just wanted to float it by everyone, since you guys would be “stuck” with it if that makes sense.

      Does that help/let you form an opinion then?

      1. Barbara Monajem

        Ah. Okay, so I’m fine with excerpts (I guess I already said that) and, being an oblivious sort of person, chances are I won’t even notice the ads. (And if I do, then kudos to the advertiser.)

        I guess I got confused because being an author, I feel like any kind of promo is an advertisement of sorts. So although a blog or an excerpt isn’t a paid ad, it’s still a way of letting people know about a book. A more useful way, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a book because of an ad.

  2. Liz

    I really do enjoy the excerpts, especially when they’re more than the normal “sample” available. That’s like a little cool extra treat. I did buy one of Juniper Bell’s receptionist books after she was on your blog, and so far it’s the only one I’ve actually purchased. I do have many others earmarked to-buy that I’ve picked up from here, too.

    I don’t mind the idea of ads. If it helps you do what you want on the blog, then I’m all for it anyway. 🙂

    1. Limecello Post author

      Liz – SO COOL! I’m just excited someone has found a new book to try based on the TT feature, you know?

      The whole point is to introduce readers to new authors and vice versa – just… as an altruistic thing. And maybe if someone wins a book I can rope them into reviewing. >.> Heh.

  3. Avery Flynn

    I love excerpts as a reader and a writer. As a reader, I love having a snippet – especially if it’s an author I love from a book not yet released. I eat those up like Oreos. As a writer, it’s fun to get to share something – although picking an excerpt is killer.

    1. Limecello Post author

      Avery, yes! Oh my gosh – the raw and unedited excerpts from authors. Loooove those. It’s rare an author agrees to share one though. Especially since their editors usually kill those. [I also tried to come up with a clever term and came up with nothing. Alas.] Apparently.
      Or those authors just don’t like me and don’t wanna give ’em to me. Equally likely scenarios. 😉

  4. June M.

    I love excerpts. If a book sounds interesting to me based on the blurb, I will try to find an excerpt or two, or read the sample on Amazon’s kindle to try a book out. I have bought many books based on these, and have decided against a few for the same reason, lol.

    As for ads, I would not mind them if they help the blog.

    1. Limecello Post author

      June – YAY. It’s always nice to know something on my blog actually “matters” you know? [Or has an impact?]
      And…… :X yeah. LOL the “darker side” of excerpts. I’ve definitely decided to pass on a few books based on excerpts I’ve hunted down – but shhhh let’s not tell people. I can just see some crazycakes author standing there giving a seminar saying “don’t post excerpts!” Argh.

  5. Mary Kirkland

    I don’t usually pay any attention to ads on blogs, or websites. But too many of them have too many ads and that clutters the page.

    I do like excerpts and have gone and looked into a book after reading an excerpt. But I also like reading reviews from readers. If the reviews are really good and gives me a little more information about the book and it sounds I like it, I’ll buy it.

    1. Limecello Post author

      Mary – thanks for your input! I want to say – that my minimalist type theme/blog would be sufficient to let you know I wouldn’t suddenly have… glitter text raining down the sides or something. But then – my view/perception of stuff often differs from others’.

      I’m scheduling TT posts into next year, so I’m excited.

  6. Jane

    I always need to sample an excerpt before buying a book. Most blogs have ads, so it wouldn’t be weird for you to have them, too.

    1. Limecello Post author

      Jane – yes, that’s exactly why I started this feature on my blog! Then more people can feed their book addiction so I won’t be alone out there! ;D

  7. Limecello Post author

    OH! Not sure if any of you check or subscribe to the comments… but are there any excerpts of books – upcoming or otherwise – you want me to try to get? :X They’d have to be books coming out early next year? (Is that too far in advance?)

    Anyway – my point is – if there are, let me know and I’ll do my best to get them!

  8. Jeanne Miro

    Limecello –

    Even though I don’t depend on excerpts to decide to purchase a book they have made me lmore aware of debut authors, new to me authors and old favorite authors I hadn’t picked up in a while so a big YES I do like excerpts.

    I don’t necessarily search out excerpts but then I don’t have to because wonderful bloggers do it for me! See how much easier you’ve made my life (thank you, thank you, thank you!).

    I also think that advertisements from authors on your site is fine as long as it doesn’t take away from the ingreity of your posts.

  9. JoAnne

    I don’t necessarily look for excerpts but I’m on so many author’s mailing lists and different reading blogs that they just drop in my lap.
    I always read the back of a book or the inside front cover to find out what a book is about before buying.
    Authors ads wouldn’t bother me since it might bring to my attention new to me authors or if an author I already read and love maybe find out about some of their other books.


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