One Full Year of Teaser Tuesdays!
Can you guys believe it?! I started my blog the first week of January in 2010, basically. And by February I was like “… I need to do something new – something different – so I thought about it, and went with what I love. Book excerpts. More than anything else, excerpts are what sell books to me.
So then I put out a few twitter calls, and emailed people, and most authors were all “sure I can share an excerpt. Hey I’ll do a giveaway too!”
And I was all “!!!” and so it was bornstarted. (Can’t say that “b” word because we all know how I hate the whole sentient beings vs inanimate objects thing.)
I’m curious though – what do you think about excerpts? Do you look for them before you decide to read or buy a book? Have you ever up and bought a book based on an excerpt you read here?!
I think it’d be >.> very important for you to answer. Of course I also think I should make some sort of clever/adorable graphic. And so I did, y’all!
And… just a little side note – but … what would you guys think if I started taking advertisements from [authors] here? Good thing? Bad? Like or dislike? Would you care or notice?
**ETA: Duh – haha, I thought this was clear but sometimes it is in my head and not to others… if you’d like to participate in a Teaser Tuesday, please contact me. I’d love to have you!
A very good thing 🙂
lol thanks Regina – glad you think if (and that’s a big if) I start doing/selling ad space you’re all for it. >.> I think? It’s been a long week. Yes already!
Yes, please do excerpts. I sometimes buy a book based on an excerpt, especially if the author is new to me.
What exactly do you mean by advertisements? Isn’t an excerpt an ad of sorts?
Barbara, I have to admit your comment threw me for a major loop. Never in my life would I have thought people considered guest blogs, or excerpt posts advertisements.
Many other blogs have them – most notably DA and SBTB. That’s what I meant with possibly starting advertisements. Ideally to you know, at least break even with the “operating” of the blog.
I’m still entirely just playing with the idea though – just wanted to float it by everyone, since you guys would be “stuck” with it if that makes sense.
Does that help/let you form an opinion then?
Ah. Okay, so I’m fine with excerpts (I guess I already said that) and, being an oblivious sort of person, chances are I won’t even notice the ads. (And if I do, then kudos to the advertiser.)
I guess I got confused because being an author, I feel like any kind of promo is an advertisement of sorts. So although a blog or an excerpt isn’t a paid ad, it’s still a way of letting people know about a book. A more useful way, actually. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a book because of an ad.
I really do enjoy the excerpts, especially when they’re more than the normal “sample” available. That’s like a little cool extra treat. I did buy one of Juniper Bell’s receptionist books after she was on your blog, and so far it’s the only one I’ve actually purchased. I do have many others earmarked to-buy that I’ve picked up from here, too.
I don’t mind the idea of ads. If it helps you do what you want on the blog, then I’m all for it anyway. 🙂
Liz – SO COOL! I’m just excited someone has found a new book to try based on the TT feature, you know?
The whole point is to introduce readers to new authors and vice versa – just… as an altruistic thing. And maybe if someone wins a book I can rope them into reviewing. >.> Heh.
I love excerpts as a reader and a writer. As a reader, I love having a snippet – especially if it’s an author I love from a book not yet released. I eat those up like Oreos. As a writer, it’s fun to get to share something – although picking an excerpt is killer.
Avery, yes! Oh my gosh – the raw and unedited excerpts from authors. Loooove those. It’s rare an author agrees to share one though. Especially since their editors usually kill those. [I also tried to come up with a clever term and came up with nothing. Alas.] Apparently.
Or those authors just don’t like me and don’t wanna give ’em to me. Equally likely scenarios. 😉
I love excerpts. If a book sounds interesting to me based on the blurb, I will try to find an excerpt or two, or read the sample on Amazon’s kindle to try a book out. I have bought many books based on these, and have decided against a few for the same reason, lol.
As for ads, I would not mind them if they help the blog.
June – YAY. It’s always nice to know something on my blog actually “matters” you know? [Or has an impact?]
And…… :X yeah. LOL the “darker side” of excerpts. I’ve definitely decided to pass on a few books based on excerpts I’ve hunted down – but shhhh let’s not tell people. I can just see some crazycakes author standing there giving a seminar saying “don’t post excerpts!” Argh.
I don’t usually pay any attention to ads on blogs, or websites. But too many of them have too many ads and that clutters the page.
I do like excerpts and have gone and looked into a book after reading an excerpt. But I also like reading reviews from readers. If the reviews are really good and gives me a little more information about the book and it sounds I like it, I’ll buy it.
Mary – thanks for your input! I want to say – that my minimalist type theme/blog would be sufficient to let you know I wouldn’t suddenly have… glitter text raining down the sides or something. But then – my view/perception of stuff often differs from others’.
I’m scheduling TT posts into next year, so I’m excited.
I always need to sample an excerpt before buying a book. Most blogs have ads, so it wouldn’t be weird for you to have them, too.
Jane – yes, that’s exactly why I started this feature on my blog! Then more people can feed their book addiction so I won’t be alone out there! ;D
OH! Not sure if any of you check or subscribe to the comments… but are there any excerpts of books – upcoming or otherwise – you want me to try to get? :X They’d have to be books coming out early next year? (Is that too far in advance?)
Anyway – my point is – if there are, let me know and I’ll do my best to get them!
I usually find an excerpt more helpful than a review. Sometimes an ad will catch my eye, but I don’t mind them except when they’re obnoxious.
Limecello –
Even though I don’t depend on excerpts to decide to purchase a book they have made me lmore aware of debut authors, new to me authors and old favorite authors I hadn’t picked up in a while so a big YES I do like excerpts.
I don’t necessarily search out excerpts but then I don’t have to because wonderful bloggers do it for me! See how much easier you’ve made my life (thank you, thank you, thank you!).
I also think that advertisements from authors on your site is fine as long as it doesn’t take away from the ingreity of your posts.
I don’t necessarily look for excerpts but I’m on so many author’s mailing lists and different reading blogs that they just drop in my lap.
I always read the back of a book or the inside front cover to find out what a book is about before buying.
Authors ads wouldn’t bother me since it might bring to my attention new to me authors or if an author I already read and love maybe find out about some of their other books.