So for our new friends here, GA&AG is the Guest Author & A Giveaway.
It happens the first Tuesday of each month. And only then. As I’ve said – originally I never imagined having so many authors willing (or wanting!) to guest here. And most give things away as well. (Aren’t they all so lovely?)
I do only offer the quirky interviews for the GA&AG … but what should I do to make it more special? To stand out more? I mean, it should be a big deal, right? Considering it’s only once a month, and more, I’m scheduled halfway through 2014. (The third week of June 2014 is the first open spot, actually.)
It’s also one of the few things that goes on the blog calendar. (Yeah, did you know there’s a calendar?)
Thoughts? Ideas? What would you want to see?
Oh and quick sidenote – my newest post is live at Heroes & Heartbreakers, and I’m talking about athlete heroes! Come play with me!
Lastly – a friend is asking – do you read Gena Showalter? Which of her book(s) or series would you recommend to a newbie? Incidentally – if you ever have a question like that, do let me know! I’d love to see if we could get some answers/help.
Thanks so much. <3
Win lunch with Lime? 🙂
lol Mary – thanks so much for saying that! <3 [Think it would be more like people would pay to NOT have to see me… XD]
Lords of the underworld is her best if you like demons.
But the alien huntress series is best if you like sci-fy.
All of her books are spectacular. She is in my top 10 authors.
Thanks for the suggestions, Ashley! I was told you all are the best! 😀
I love reading Gena Showalter’s books. If your friend is interested in YA then I’d recommend the Intertwined series. Otherwise, I’d definitely recommend the Lords of the Underworld series.
Gotcha – thanks so much for helping out! Much appreciated. 🙂
I don’t know if I would change anything about the interviews…they are great just the way they are.
Gena Showalter is one of my autobuy authors. I haven’t read a book of hers that I didn’t like. Just sayin’.
I would recommend Lords of the Underworld Series. it’s so good…omg.
Mary – oh no, I wouldn’t change the interviews. I’d be adding … something. But WHAT?! The point is to do something in addition to/for the GA&AG to make it more.
I wouldn’t change anything about the GA&AG, either. I love the unique aspect of the interviews (and giveaways never hurt, either!).
I also highly recommend the Lords of the Underworld series. Hot, demon possessed warriors, gods & goddesses that get pissed off way too easily, and plenty o’ hot loving.
Liz – I wouldn’t change by taking away, but I want to change by adding more. Any thoughts/suggestions on that front then?
I love your interviews! I really don’t know what I could suggest that would make them better than they already are 🙂
Gena Showalter was one of the very first romance authors I ever read 🙂
Now, her Lords of the Underworld series is very popular, but my favorite series of her’s will always be her Atlantis series, because it focuses more on the main couple. The first book in the series is Heart of the Dragon, and stays as one of my all-time favorite books! Her few contemporaries are also very funny and romantic 🙂
Awe, thank you, Chelsea. I’m trying to think of what else to do – throughout the month? Or that week, or day to set the GA&AG apart more.
I like Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld series best. And her Atlantis books were very good. The Alien Huntress books didn’t work for me.
Cee! Thanks. But I agree – aliens. Meh.