One Magical Night

*ETA: I wanted to point out – all the names are links to their pictures. I can’t have them here because of copyright etc, but if you don’t know what someone looks like, just click!

Hi friends! So we’ve got some frivolity going on here. (And, I know I’ve been kinda quiet – or, I missed a day, but don’t worry I hope to backdate something.)Β  But anyway one night back in early June I decided to have some fun on twitter, and I decided that we should play this game. Also, that we should have it documented on one post.

Here’s the game – you have to choose between the two guys I list. You can only pick one or everyone dies. (Please don’t take the fun out of it by trying to bend the rules. This is my game, and that’s just how we’re going to play it.) You’re also allowed to pass, so you take neither guy.

Of course, in this imaginary magical night, you can do anything you want with these guys. πŸ˜‰ (You know, knit, talk, braid each other’s hair, do manis and pedis…) πŸ˜› Reality only matters inasmuch as you want it to.

[Initially I started out with more obscure guys. Some I chose specifically for certain twitter friends. And just assume each pairing starts out with “If you could have one night with this person, who would you choose?”]

If you could have one night with this person, who would you choose?

Takeshi Kaneshiro or Daniel Henney?

Aaron Eckhart or Jim Caviezel?

Will Smith or Idris Elba?

Bradley Cooper or Alessandro Nivola?

Matthew McConaughey or Josh Lucas?

Ryan Gosling or Jake Gyllenhaal?

Daniel Craig or Viggo Mortensen?

Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth?

Joseph Gordon-Levitt or James McAvoy?

Tom Hardy or Channing Tatum?

Gabriel Aubry or Charlie Hunnam?

Javier Bardem or Jeffrey Dean Morgan?

Ryan Reynolds or Jensen Ackles?

Cillian Murphy or Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

Matt Bomer or Alex Pettyfer?

Christian Bale or Keanu Reeves?

Joseph Fiennes or Raoul Bova?

Jason Momoa or The Rock?

Joe Manganiello or David Gandy?

James Marsters or Ralph Fiennes?

Vincent Cassel or Rufus Sewell?

Richard Armitage or Daniel Radcliffe?

Olivier Martinez or James Marsden?

Eric Dane or Brad Pitt?

Enrique Iglesias or Rhydian Vaughan?

Henry Cavill or Ian Somerhalder?

Eric Bana or Hugh Jackman?

And … because you would not believe the clamoring for the very last guy …

Young Christopher Plummer or young Sean Connery?

*N.B. I’d love to have included headshots etc of all these guys, but obviously I don’t have the rights to an of those images and I really don’t want to be sued. Also everyone’s tastes differ so hopefully this works out even better.

I’m playing around with another round or a “Classics” version – so also if you have names you’d like to see, feel free to suggest them! πŸ˜€

31 thoughts on “One Magical Night

    1. Limecello Post author

      O_o everyone else is a pass? Also? πŸ˜‰ everyone wins with this game. Which as you know, is rare for me. πŸ˜€

  1. Limecello Post author

    These are my answers. I’ll have to think more on the “undecideds” – so they’re not a pass! Takeshi, Aaron, Idris, (undecided), Josh, Jake, (undecided), Chris Evans, JGL, (undecided), (undecided), JDM, (undecided), (undecided), Matt, Christian, (undecided), (undecided), Joe, Ralph, Rufus, Richard, Olivier, (undecided), Rhydian, Henry, (undecided)

  2. Jane

    Takeshi(I actually have his first Mandarin album on CD), Aaron, Idris, Bradley, Josh, Ryan, Daniel, Chris Evans, JGL, Tom, Charlie, Javier, Ryan, Cillian, Matt, Christian, Raoul, Jason, David, Pass, Rufus, Richard, Olivier, Brad, Pass, Henry, Eric.

    1. Limecello Post author

      Jane, nowai! I’ve never heard any of his songs! I found a youtube clip where he’s singing… I always forget Asian actors are almost always popstars too πŸ˜€

      Hehehe I think I’m with you on most of those choices … although I guess I should go and fill in my blanks. It depends on my mood though!

      1. Jane

        It’s true that most of the actors and actresses end up making albums. Takeshi’s voice was pretty weak, but I’m guessing he got better as the years went on.

        1. Limecello Post author

          Jane, hmm… yeah I don’t know when the clip I found was from (now I want to go hunting) … it was pretty good. I was impressed. He was flat in parts, but had real potential. Of course XD he doesn’t have to be that great a singer. :X

  3. sharonchalk

    well I accidently killed my guys because a couple I wasn’t sure if I knew them or not,and I did and wanted the other one–big mistake–if you look at both then both stay up and you can/t erase one so you get the one you want,so by default you kill everyone,hope no one else does this of there will be more dead than alive lol

    1. Limecello Post author

      HAHAHAH Sharon, it’s not “final” until you write down the names! I wish you would have… XD although mass (mutually assured?) destruction I guess does take the guesswork out of it πŸ˜›

    1. Tori

      Takeshi Kaneshiro

      Jim Caviezel?

      Will Smith

      Bradley Cooper

      Josh Lucas?

      Jake Gyllenhaal?

      Daniel Craig

      Chris Hemsworth?

      James McAvoy?

      Tom Hardy or Channing Tatum (both!!)

      Charlie Hunnam?

      Javier Bardem

      Jensen Ackles?

      Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

      Alex Pettyfer?

      Keanu Reeves?

      Joseph Fiennes or Raoul Bova?

      The Rock?

      Joe Manganiello

      James Marsters

      Vincent Cassel

      Richard Armitage

      James Marsden?

      Eric Dane

      Enrique Iglesias

      Henry Cavill

      Hugh Jackman?

      young Sean Connery

      1. Limecello Post author

        Oh no, Tori! XD Mutually assured destruction! You killed you, Tom Hardy and Channing Tatum!!! … Although Shiloh Walker might thank you for that last one. πŸ˜‰

        Also? Thank you! Xoxox

  4. Patti (Caught in a FAB Romance)

    You know, at first I thought I’d make all my choices based on looks b/c I’m shallow like that but as it turns out, that’s not what happened… also, I don’t watch much TV/movies so even with the links I didn’t know who a lot of these guys are.

    Takeshi Kaneshiro
    Jim Caviezel
    Idris Elba (because WS gets on my nerves)
    Bradley Cooper (because those eyes!!)
    Matthew McConaughey (seems like he’d be fun to hang with)
    Jake Gyllenhaal (because I’m not a fan of the Gos)
    Vigo Mortensen
    Chris Hemsworth
    James McAvoy (loved him in Last King of Scotland)
    Tom Hardy (oh that accent!)
    Charlie Hunnam (so we can talk SOA and the 50 movie)
    Jeffrey Dean Morgan (b/c he’s on Supernatural?)
    Jensen Ackles (my daughter would kill me if I didn’t pick him!)
    JRM because how could I not πŸ˜‰
    Jason Momoa (GoT)
    Joe M (rowr!)
    Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort!)
    Rufus Sewell (love his bad guy characters)
    Harry Potter
    James Marsden (seems like the lesser of two evils)
    Brad Pitt (he’s a proponent for NOLA)
    Ian Somerholder (those eyes!)
    Hugh Jackman
    Young CP (I love the Sound of Music, not so much a Bond fan)

    TMI? πŸ™‚

    1. Limecello Post author

      Patti I love that – definitely not TMI! I’m so glad you gave reasons! I might do that -also if I had thought of this list I might have broken it up into a few different posts.
      So if not looks then, how did you make your choices?

        1. Limecello Post author

          Hahahaha Patti – I just had the thought, what if you picked a guy to spend the night with him and was just miserable – total bitch to him, and he was stuck with you. XD “Ryyyaaaaaannn I’m boooooorrrreeeeddd. Give me a foooooottttt mmaaaasssaaaaaagggeeeee.”

  5. Christina G (@MsChris1161)

    Daniel Henney
    Aaron Eckhart
    Will Smith
    Bradley Cooper
    Josh Lucas
    Jake Gyllenhall
    Viggo Mortensen
    Chris Evans
    James McAvoy
    Tom Hardy
    Gabriel Aubry
    Jeffrey Dean Morgan
    Ryan Reynolds
    Jonathan Rhys Meyers
    Alex Pettyfer
    Keanu Reeves
    Joseph Fiennes
    The Rock
    David Gandy
    Ralph Fiennes
    Rufus Sewell
    Richard Armitage
    James Marsden
    Eric Dane
    Enrique Iglesias
    Henry Cavill
    Hugh Jackman
    Young Sean Connery

    1. Limecello Post author

      Christina you’re the first person to prefer Daniel Henney! Congratulations! πŸ˜€ And thank you for playing <3

  6. Claire

    Daniel Henney
    Jim Caviezel
    Will Smith
    Bradley Cooper
    Josh Lucas
    Ryan Gosling
    Daniel Craig
    Chris Hemsworth
    Joseph Gordon-Levitt
    Tom Hardy
    Gabriel Aubry
    Jeffrey Dean Morgan
    Ryan Reynolds
    Cillian Murphy
    Matt Bomer
    Christian Bale
    Joseph Fiennes
    Joe Manganiello
    Ralph Fiennes
    Vincent Cassel
    Richard Armitage
    James Marsden
    Eric Dane
    Rhydian Vaughan
    Henry Cavill
    Hugh Jackman
    Young Sean Connery

    1. Limecello Post author

      You’re the only other person to pick Rhydian! πŸ˜€ I say that’s a good call πŸ˜‰
      And thanks for picking Daniel Henney, cuz that means more Takeshi for me. *angelface*

  7. Chelsea B.

    Takeshi Kaneshiro– Such a cutie!
    Aaron Eckhart– DAT SMILE!
    Idris Elba– *SWOON*
    Alessandro Nivola– This man is too cute for words!
    Josh Lucas– Didn’t even need to think about it. I hear Sweet Home Alabama calling my name…
    Ryan Gosling– Might have gotten a little crush on him in Crazy, Stupid, love…
    Viggo Mortensen– Man looks like a rock star. Love it!
    Chris Hemsworth– This man is so pretty I can’t even…
    James McAvoy– This one was tough, because I adore the adorable JGL, but overall, McAvoy’s accent topped it for me πŸ™‚
    Tom Hardy– HIS LIPS!
    Charlie Hunnam– SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM IN ACTION IN 50! Never read the books, so I can’t weigh in on them, but I would watch this man in a reading role romance any time. Bring it 2014!
    Jeffrey Deam Morgan– His voice. His voice. His voice.
    Jensen Ackles– Eye of the Tiger. Enough said.
    Jonathan Rhys Meyers– Beautiful man. Can’t wait to see what he does with DRACULA!
    Alex Pettyfer– He sucked me in with his beautiful and funny acting in Beastly, and I’ve never looked back!
    Keanu Reeves– There’s just something oddly attractive about him, isn’t there?
    Joseph Fiennes– This man is just a hunk. What’s he been in lately????
    Jason Momoa– That body… Those eyes… that hair… Yeah.
    Davis Gandy– This model has got it going on.
    Ralph Fiennes– This is one of the most handsome men ever to exist ever.
    Rufus Sewell– I love how he *always* looks like he’s up to no good. Someone put him in the part of the redeemable rake, stat!
    Richard Armitage– FANGIRLING!
    James Marsden– Cute, cute, cute. He has one of those faces that I think will always look young. I want to see him in more romantic comedys!
    Eric Dane– Cutie Pie!
    Rhydian Vaugham– #Swagger
    Henry Cavill– Again, hard choice. I mean, Superman up against the Smoulderholder? Yeesh. But, Henry has that accent… and all those new, nice, need-to-be-groaped muscles… *Drifts off*
    Eric Bana– I’ve always had a thing for this man. I don’t know. It’s nothing in particualr. I just really want to cuddle him.
    Sean Connery– Every Time. Talk to me, baby!

    Loved this! Round 2, please! *Grin*


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