Quick Note!

Hi Everyone!

For those of you who had subscribed via the right button – you’re all good. For any of you who had followed me via the “Follow” plugin that was the little orange asterisk, it decided to not play nice, so I’m subscribing you on my own and you’ll get a confirmation email.

Hopefully this is better and more convenient for you, and will in the future no cause any breaks in notifications. Please click the confirmation. Unless you don’t want to get ALBTALBS posts anymore. Which of course, is perfectly fine.

But I wanted to let you know that’s what the email is  – because you won’t be getting the notifications otherwise.

Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for your patience with me during this transition period!



*ETA: Probably 80% of the emails I had came back as invalid via the form … so I don’t know. Hopefully those people remember ALBTALBS! Tell your friends! 😛 (Please?)

5 thoughts on “Quick Note!

    1. Limecello Post author

      Ki, I know it was kinda preaching to the choir, but I just wanted to make this note – also I’m kinda proud of myself for doing all this 😀

  1. sharonchalk

    ok now Im really confused lol yes I still want to follow you and I notated it on your previous gmail but in case the answer didn’t come up ,YES leave me in as a follower,I love your blog


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