How This “Works”

Or doesn’t work, perhaps. I meant for this to be a very formal post, all well thought and things listed out, all the good stuff.

But first of all, that’s not really me these days. Secondly, I haven’t managed to do that. Or lose my eye twitch (which has got to be from stress), so one thing at a time.

First of all, if I ever forget to post winners, remind me! I always have the best of intentions. In fact, keep your eyes on this space, because I expect I’ll be updating this post to list the September winners. (That’s where we’re at, right?)

Here are the key points:

  • I will not email winners
  • If you email me, I may not respond. I try to, but things happen. This is especially true for someone who is “cold calling.”
  • Review requests I forward to the review crew. If there is any interest, I follow up. If not, you likely won’t hear anything.
  • I feel free to ignore any email from someone I don’t know that doesn’t address me as “Limecello.” Unless we’re actually friends, “Hi there” + [I want something from you] doesn’t fly with me. I know. It’s a quirk. Such is ALBTALBS.
  • I play fast and loose with time. I might pretend one day is another one, and weekends are more fluid. That’s part of my charm.
  • All my best intentions might be for naught. E.g. Posts. I had one scheduled for today. The person never sent it to me despite numerous reminders. That’s how it goes.

Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes I’m wracked with guilt and email winners. Especially when it’s been a while. I obviously will reply to “Lime” or some variation of that – the point is, I don’t like it when people refuse to call me Limecello. And can’t understand what such a person would want to do with ALBTALBS anyway.

So what’s new with all of you? Are any of you interested in reviewing? I’m looking for people who can write thoughtful reviews that aren’t book reports or plot summaries.

5 thoughts on “How This “Works”

  1. Denise


    I enjoy your blog. In fact, if you hear from Meghan Farrell from Tule Publishing (Jane Porter’s new venture), I referred her to you.

    I love to write reviews and I try to make them fun and interesting to readers.



  2. Sharlene Wegner

    FYI, I had an eye twitch for a month before my wedding, so it is definitely stress related. I did get my happy ending, in that respect (22 yrs & counting!) and the twitch went away after the wedding. So, hopefully you can do some stress reduction & lose that twitch!

  3. sharonchalk

    ok Limecello here goes no.1 I won a free ebook way back in June that you didn’t post till I believe August? Not sure like you Im not real good with time,however as I get all your post on my gmail,I noticed it (my name that is) and what I had won. It was as ebook of my choice from Katy Madison,so I emailed her and reported that I was the winner but had just been notified,was I still able to collect the prize. She was very nice and said it had been so long she figured that the winner never sent her an email so it slipped from her memory,but that as I had just been notified that I was the winner she would be happy to oblige and she offered me a choice of an already published ebook or the new one she had coming out in January. I chose the one already published because I didn’t want her to think I was bugging her come January,so that worked out great. No 2 just because you asked,when it comes to book reviews I never get into the plot,basically I express what the book made me feel and why I did or didn’t enjoy it and if I would reccommend it or not.I may put in some input like its steamy so that people know ahead of time.I like some steam in my books so I appreciate it when someone says there is no sex in this romance or that this is a Christian Romance with no bad words or sex. That tells me that it may be a great story but it may take me a year to finish it as more exciting books will come out each month LOL I think I would be a great reviewer except for one thing.I would only consider reviewing books that I would consider buying,like say I happen to like paranormal romances,but if someone sent me a book on zombies to review and it wasn’t even a romance (although ick a zombie romance shudders) I would never finish the book.Now if you were looking for someone to review steamy romances, paranormal romances.or a book that may be paranormal or fantasy and not a romance but is well written,well those are the only kinds of books I would want to review,so if you are looking for a reviewer that reads any and everything,Im NOT your gal but if you need someone to review the subjects I mentioned above,feel free to call on me because Im not working so I read a whole lot and I love getting free books lol,hope that the answer was helpful.

  4. ki pha

    Wow, that was a lot to take in Lime, err Limecello. I suppose we’re back to the old rules around here and you’ve been up to date with the present? And yes, the September winners are on the waiting dock.

    What’s new with me? Sadly nothing but more guilt feeling than ever these days. Many bloggers seem to be having this sort if talk on their blogs this month. And I just feel guilty. But I am getting back into reading from a long hiatus of two months.

    I do hope you’re feeling better.

  5. Tina B

    I can imagine all of the emails that bloggers get with requests for things from them. This is one reason why I don’t think that I could be a blogger. I don’t have a great time management system, especially with little ones, so I understand that. 🙂
    I hope your stress level goes down and your eye stops twitching. When it happens to me, I get really annoyed. Lol.
    I hope you are enjoying your weekend!
    I would offer to do reviews, but honestly, I really suck at them. I always feel like I am saying the same thing over in each one. I do enjoy reading them sometimes though. 🙂
    As far as what’s new with me…not much. Lots of kids Mon-Fri.


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