So, I know I’m way behind on things … but I wanted to know. Would anyone be interested in a kindle fire as a prize?
Also, generally, what prizes ring your bell? What do you most want to get? (From “big ticket” to swag – e.g. bookmarks, etc. I’d like to know what you’re interested in.)
If I can’t read it, then I like it to be useful. I get excited by anything that arrives to the house. (I obviously live a sad life.)
I don’t care for e-books, but I do love reading paperbacks. So, I would say books would be very welcome.
You could offer the Kindle Fire and/or $100.00 Amazon or B&N gift card. I like print books the best. Also, pens and keychains are nice.
Well, I actually like everything you have given us so far so anything will do. E-books, print books, swag: bookmarks, pens, stickers, small cleaning cloths, lip balm,…. anything! An E-reader or Kindle would be nice too. 🙂
Books and gift cards are my favorites. I’m not a fan of swag.
If you’re looking to send international, A kindle Fire would be awesome:)
I would love a kindle fire but I would also love new release books. Books that the author has signed would be great. Exclusive swag from authors is also nice for a prize.
Kindle fire, books, swag…it’s all good
As long as the giveaways are International (open to people in all countries), I’m up for whatever.
Kindle Fire would be an awesome giveaway! I’m with Tez though, if it’s open to International, even better since a lot of giveaways leave the rest of us out of luck. But giveaways of any kind are always appreciated!
Great anything for books sound great, gift cards,books
Great question, Lime! I, personally, prefer ebooks and gift cards. I like paperbacks, but I find it too hard to read with my 3 year old around. Lol. As far as swag goes, I like bookmarks, key chains, pens, etc. There isn’t too much that I don’t like. 🙂
A Kindle Fire is a great prize, and I also love gift certificates to use towards my enormous wish list. 😀 As far as swag goes, the standard stuff is fun, and the unusual is even more fun. I’ve seen things such as pocket mirrors, shot glasses, etc. – stuff that might be useful.
A Kindle Fire would be a great prize. I also like gift cards and books–digital and print. Thanks.