Books Galore!

So I saw this the other day, and thought you might enjoy it 🙂 It’s a spoof video that some Columbia Business School students made of Megan Trainor’s “All About That Bass” (It might be a little NSFW – they say “bitch” a lot.) Now, for the books galore … I have a LOT of print books – 99% of them I’d say are new – never read, just removed from the box. Would anyone be interested in a box of books for the price of shipping? If there’s enough interest and I have enough time I might list them … but the books would be free to you – you just pay shipping because I am literally “qualifies as living in poverty” poor. >.> So if you want to pay me a little for the books too … 😉 But anyway – anyone interested?

Oh my gosh – and THIS video!!!

7 thoughts on “Books Galore!

  1. flchen1

    LOL! Thanks for sharing the video! As for the books, it’ll totally depend on the books 🙂 I’d love to look at a list–am very happy to pay for ones on my wishlist!

  2. sharonchalk

    Im interested in paranomal romance,shifter romance,erotic romance but not so much into BDSM or M on M, though mfm if its not bdsm is ok.I like alien erotic romance if it has an actual story to it like Eve Langlais does,like most shifters-cats,wolves,bears ect,like vampire if its a vamp love story and not a gory horror vamp story,and I well read contemporary romance if its hot,guess the bottom line is I like sex,just not violent or spanking or whipping sex–so do you have any of thoses?? I can send you a list of 50 or so authors if that would help,and what type of pmt would you want,like pay pal or what? Let me know–very interested!!!!! and you know from the last post that I read a LOT,over 2000 books last year lol

  3. Limecello Post author

    Hey guys? I just want to say – I might not get a chance to post a list. Also I’d like to note that it’d be a box of new, unread books, free to you. That’s not a bad deal …

    I’d try to send tailored boxes, but the idea is for this to be LESS stressful for me.

    1. Irma Jurejevčič

      Dear Limecello, this is realy nice of you. So generous, hat down to you 🙂
      It’s just international shipping is so expencive and I myself don’t read paranomal, fantazy, etc. But if my box would contain contemporary, NA, YA, historical,..
      Anyway and anyhow this goes, you rock!

  4. Irma Jurejevčič

    I’d be willing to pay shipping, but I would love to be able to choose the books (NA, YA, historical, contemporary,.. 🙂 Thank you! This is realy generous of you.


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