Guest Author & A Giveaway: Jessica Scott

Hello friends! Today we have Jessica Scott guesting with us … AND MAN this post would’ve been perfect during Social Media for Social Good … or maybe not? Maybe SMSG is the pressure Jessica is talking about? That’s going to give me a headache/complex – so yeah. Let’s not go there. Anyway – let’s just go ahead with her post, shall we? :X

Giving Back?

Home for ChristmasWhy did the ALS Ice Bucket challenge go viral when so many others were not? What was it about that specific challenge – the calling out of your friends on social media to either dump a bucket of water over their head or write a check – that got so many people around the world and from vastly different socio economic backgrounds up off the computer/phone/tablet and into the spirit of it?

The campaign worked: it raised awareness and it raised money for something that arguably many people hadn’t heard of unless it affected you.

But I continue to wonder why do some charities catch on and others not. Tons of folks can be seen sporting pink ribbons in October for breast cancer awareness. Lots of folks are aware of the Wounded Warrior Program.

But when we give, why do we give? Did we get involved in the Ice bucket challenge because it was a good cause? Or because we were called out on social media?

I’m a strong believer in giving to charities but I don’t like being pressured into giving. I like to donate simply because I like to donate – put pressure on me for some reason and I balk. It’s a strange reaction that’s admittedly perverse but I wonder if I’m alone? Do others feel annoyed when pressured to donate to a good cause or am I the only one out there? Do you donate in other ways if you don’t donate when pressured?

All I Want for Christmas is YouSocial pressure can create a momentary movement but how to sustain it so that people don’t forget about the need? The ALS ice bucket challenge was everywhere and then suddenly, it was gone. I remember it literally disappeared from all my social media accounts like over night. So what happens next year? Will they raise even close to the same amount of money again? Will Ice Bucket part deux happen all over again? Will it be successful?

But I think it’s the every day charities that we do in our daily lives that make a difference. Donate to your library or to a food bank. Donate to a domestic abuse shelter or just do something simple like donating blood. There are a thousand different ways to be charitable and generous in this life.

I would say find one that works for you. You’re more likely to do it and you’ll feel better about it because you weren’t pressured into doing something.

What’s something you enjoy doing that gives back? I’ll send one commenter a digital copy of my backlist – reader’s choice.

6 thoughts on “Guest Author & A Giveaway: Jessica Scott

  1. Mary Preston

    I have specific organisations that I give to. I have looked into them & found they stand for what I believe in. The bombardment from other charities does not sway me, but it does annoy me.

  2. Shannon

    Great post Jessica!
    Every year we pick a main charity to focus on, (and often give smaller amounts/time to other different charities.) We tend to go with smaller organizations that really seem to be making a difference and that make me/my family feel good. This year our’s is Kokua Hawaii Foundation.
    As for the big corporate charities, I definitely get turned off opening my mailbox and seeing yet another large envelope filled with pages and pages, trying to convince me that their charity is in need and “can only do it with my help!”
    Geez! The printing and mailing costs alone could have been re-directed back into your charity, bub.
    Thank you for bringing this up, and putting the feelings into words.

  3. Kimberley

    I love this post, and the idea of balking when pressured to donate definitely resonates. My particular hate is those stores who have the checkout person ask customers if they’d like to give $2 (or more) to the company’s pet cause or foundation; I feel like yelling “I’m not funding your corporate tax deduction, so stop with the guilt trip!”

    I have many ways of contributing (money, donations in kind, volunteering), and I tend to pick causes to support due to emotional connection to each one individually.

  4. dholcomb1

    I volunteer at school, church, and other fundraisers. I have specific charities I support. We’re supposed to give quietly, not boast about it. 😉


  5. sharonchalk

    I give to the food bank monthly because years ago when I needed them,they were there no problem,however even more help is needed now because the government is constantly cutting food stamps and getting ready to do it again ,so donating food is what I do because in this country no one should have to starve


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