TBR Challenge Review: Lawless in Leather by Melanie Scott

Lawless in Leather by Melanie Scott
Contemporary romance released by St. Martin’s Press on May 5, 2015

Lawless in LeatherSHE’S GOOD AT HER GAME.
Raina Easton never dreamed she’d end up playing ring master to a bunch of baseball cheerleaders. But when the New York Saints offers her a job to coach its new squad–the Fallen Angels–Raina can’t refuse. As the owner of a burlesque club, she can certainly show the girls more than a few good moves. But as for her new boss? That is, as they say, a whole ‘nother story. . .

Army veteran, biker, and all-around tough guy, Malachi Coulter isn’t your typical sports-team owner. For one thing, he doesn’t think cheerleaders belong on the baseball field. Another: he can’t seem to separate business and pleasure when he meets his somewhat scandalous new employee. Seems the major-league bad boy has met his match in the gorgeous, feisty Raina. All’s fair in love and baseball…could it be that, after all this time, Malachi is playing to win?

​I’ve been meaning to review this book, and the TBR Challenge is the perfect time for it! I’ve read book two (and talked about it over at H&H), and I was glad when I got the email about Lawless in Leather being available. I think I liked this book more than Angel in Armani. I read it a while ago, so forgive me for any mistakes … here we go!

​I really liked Raina Easton is a fantastic heroine. I liked that she was so self assured, practical, and – unusual to some, sex positive. (I’ve been seeing a lot of chatter about how this doesn’t exist, or isn’t the norm, and I think that thought [or truth] is a shame.) I do want to say the “cheerleaders” are actually the dance team, and … well there is a difference, as sports fans will know. It also makes more sense for a dancer/burlesque club owner to be their “coach.” I liked that Raina knows when to take a step back and take care of herself. She’s smart, and knows how to act for what is best not necessarily what she wants at the moment. Raina is someone I think everyone would want as a friend.

Malachi is … well he’s a workacholic and something of an ass, but he’s Raina’s ass, and she’s more than capable of keeping him in line. Mal is ex special forces, co-owner of a baseball team (the New York Saints)… but also head of security for the enterprise. I loved how taken he was with Raina from the start, and how is is a good guy. Just rather gruff and abrupt – we all know how people like a recalcitrant alpha hero though right? For all that Mal is a planner, I think this book is all about him going out of his mind, [and this is going to be hokey but bear with me…] because he’s in love for the first time and is bowled over by it. It’s rather sweet. And he is willing to admit when he’s wrong and crosses the line.

I will say I was “fooled” about who the “villain” of the book was, although I felt it was something of a letdown. I know, I’m contrary – I wouldn’t have been happy if it was obvious, but I just felt it was a bit to hurried/dropped in there. I don’t want to say more because I don’t want to give it away. Although it isn’t really a major plot point (in my opinion) I suppose it does inform – or influence really – the characters actions.

I quite liked Lawless in Leather and I think a number of you will too. It’s a well written, fun, and entertaining romance. Adult characters who are realistic, flawed, but impressive. The secondary characters are fun – there are the four+ from the two previous books, and a few new fun ones as well. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for future Melanie Scott books.

Grade: B

There is no excerpt, but you can buy a copy here.

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