Hi friends!
First things first – I got to see this yesterday (and a picture) and it was so cool.
So it’s birthday month and all that jazz and I figured I hadn’t been doing as much – like me saying stuff in a long time. I meant to write distinctive posts for each Saturday in June but you know how life never turns out as planned.
A few months ago my friend Tori (@smexys_sidekick) was tweeting how she was giving a talk at a RWA chapter meeting I believe, about blogging – and I thought “hey that’s a neat idea – I’m going to rope her into it again!”) She was kind enough to say “yes” and so here we are! If you don’t know who she is, Tori is a reviewer for Smexybooks, Heroes & Heartbreakers, and RT Magazine.
Me … well I’ve been kicking around Romanceland for the past dozen or so years. I’ve been an active romance blogger since ~2005 at various places – more(?) notably with The Good, The Bad, The Unread (2007-11), with Heroes & Heartbreakers since the launch, and of course here. ALBTALBS started in 2011 😛
We don’t know everything … but I think we know enough. 😀
My point being, if you’ve ever had a question for a blogger, now’s your chance to ask! Ta!
[Oh and if any other bloggers would like to chime in and answer, you’re more than welcome! Xoxo]
Quick note: I’m out of town/traveling this weekend, so I’ll try to check in periodically/when I can – but feel free to ask as many questions as you like!
I will say, if you have a bunch of them, please leave separate comments so we can respond to each individual issue more easily.
… That is if anyone has questions. :X
Thanks for the invite, Lime! Ask away folks…ask away.
Hi Lime and Tori,
Tori, I’ve been following Smexy Books for quite a while now and love the dynamic on the site. Your reviews are articulate, insightful, and fun. When reading a book to review, do you have a process? Such as, do you jot down notes, have a list of criteria you look for, etc. Or does it vary a lot based on the book?
Hi Deb! I wish I could say I was put together enough to have a process but I’m not. With me, I simply read then review. I do highlight items and quotes of interest but on the whole I just write my thoughts out, clean it up, then post.
Sometimes I do status updates on Goodreads, with interesting/infuriating quotes that I can put into a review later. Otherwise, I wing it 😉
Next question. There are SO MANY bloggers of romance, in all its categories. What is your advice for someone interested in starting a review blog?
Be honest, committed, consistent, and vary the content. Blogs are a lot of work and require a huge commitment of your time and money.
Hi Deb!! IGNORE TORI!! I say you should join ALBTALBS – I’d love to have you!! 😀 😀 😀
Don’t worry about what others are blogging about. Choose the subgenres and books that YOU are most interested in. In other words, read what you want to read WHEN you want to read it, and review if you feel like it. No rules! 🙂
*koffs* Tez, I have rules. While I *know* this happens ALL THE GODDAMN TIME I don’t think people should start review blogs just to post A+++++++ reviews to “befriend” authors and become popular. [Or attempt to become popular.]
… Now everyone take off your sunglasses, cuz I just threw shade. 😛
Totally agree! I was…rather generous in my reviews when I first started 😉 If I read the same books now, I’d probably rate them lower. But that was 8 years ago, and my tastes have changed a bit – hopefully for the better 🙂
Thanks, Tori!
Deb, email me if you want an all inclusive look at starting a blog. smexysidekick@gmail dot com
Hush you, Tori – I NEED MOAR PEOPLES!!
Look you. I’m trying to be nice. A foreign concept for me.
Lol. Tori, you’re always nice!
Lime, I’d love to join you here. Thanks!! I’ll email you with more info.
Deb, *fist pump* *happy dance* *best birthday present ever!!!* <3
🙂 Just sent you a long email, none of my paragraph breaks showed so just a heads up. Grrr