My mind is a wasteland these days. I’m a mess, I don’t have any of my shit together, my kids are getting murdered, and their killers are walking away without convictions. So … that’s where I am.
But the purpose of this post … is to tell you all that someone out there may be … pretending to be me? I’m not quite sure but I think this is important enough to mention. Last week I got home and saw that Harper Collins was having its Fall Preview Blogger Chat. You all know I always have lofty ideas of being up to date and on top of things so I thought “well, how fortuitous! I’ll join in!”
However, when I tried to sign in as Limecello (who and what else?!) The box firmly told me “There is already someone signed in with that name.” … Or whatever the particular language was. I wish I had screencapped it. And stayed in the chat to see wtf “[not me] Limecello” said. I did mention it on Twitter, and FB, and some of the ladies at Harper Collins did see my posts. [Pam told me that Caro didn’t notice fake Limecello say anything untoward… so, small mercies?]
But here’s the thing. Limecello is not at all a common name. If it was “Mary” or “Sue” or “Lynn” sure – but … Lime itself isn’t a normal “name.” Limecello? That … has got to be intentional. Especially in a book world blogging thing. If it was some mixologist, or whatever, possibly.
So, I wanted to let you know … if there are things out there on social media posting as “Limecello” … it may or may not be me. :\ And in fact, unless it’s on my own Twitter of FB accounts (unless/until I get hacked) … it probably isn’t me considering how little I’ve been able to do lately. [If you want to keep up to date with me, I’m fairly active in both places, and discuss industry issues, books, my life, and world issues I find important. It’s just easier to do something that requires less of a commitment and is more ephemeral.]
If you see someone running around posting as Limecello, joining chats as Limecello and such … please let me know? Feel free to try to confirm identity? It’s just … shadypants to me. And if by some insanely odd chance that person who signed into the chat as Limecello reads this … please let me know why? We can talk, and I promise to do my best to be open minded.
Anyway, I’ve also been wanting to make changes to ALBTALBS – more book talk, reader focus, and also talk about any damn thing I want to. Which, for this post … is just the update.
Thanks for sticking around, y’all! *muah!* I appreciate you more than I can say. <3
haven’t noticed it, did see your post about it (FB or twitter), and will let you know if I see anything
Ugh. Sorry to hear this, Lime! There are loads of people out there who think — MISTAKENLY — that my e-mail address is theirs. Nope, and NOPE. Incredibly irritating, especially the person who used it to create an iCloud account so that I actually can’t use my own e-mail address with my iPhone :/ Oh well!
Good gracious, an imposter? I haven’t seen anything out of order but will keep an eye out on things.