Unexpected Hiatus

Hi friends. ALBTALBS has been basically inactive since early October … and hopefully that changes soon, but no promises.

It’s entirely my fault, so my apologies to the ALBTALBS review team that had reviews set, to people with expected posts, and to anyone who expects new content. [The last one is me poking fun at myself because I don’t think there is anyway, but you know, hope springs eternal?]

If you play along with me on social media you may have noticed I’ve been a lot less active there as well. [It might not seem that way, but I truly have been.]

I also haven’t been reading, or basically functioning.

What with work, and constant migraines, and just all the things, I’ve also played countless rounds of the fun game “where is this blood coming from?” [Spoilers: it was always me, and it was never fun.]

Just … wanted to have a placeholder and kind of let people know what was going on. And hopefully have things figured out soon with more regular content, and possible [back]dated posts.

Thanks, all, and much love for hanging in there with me. <3 <3 <3

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