We made it!!! We’re past day one of 2018, some of us are into day three of 2018, and most of us are almost done with day two. We did it. [Because 2017 was overall in the global sense of things … generally a fucking garbage fire.]
So, if personally 2017 was a pretty good year for you – take that win. <3
I (also) loved the google doodle. (And didn’t realize it had been an entire series for the holiday season.)
We may have some changes coming to ALBTALBS (or not, that’s how we roll) – and as always, if you’d like to write a guest review, or think piece, or have ideas and such, I’m happy to hear them! <3
Happy New Year to all and all the best to everyone!
Pingback: Limecello: Hello 2018! – Instagatrix
Well, it’s going alright so far. Stress stress stress but work is always stressful.
*hugs* I hope 2018 continues to go well – and even better! for you, and that stress/work stress goes away! <3
Happy 2018!
Happy happy New Year! <3