Hi friends! So … you might’ve noticed lately I’ve been not as great with posting things. I don’t even know for how long, but for a while now we’ve had the lovely and wonderful Sadie helping out with formatting and scheduling, which has been wonderful. (Side note, is there such a thing as green/purple color blindness?)
I’m something of a >.> control freak though, so I do the actual scheduling. And have had some oops.
I’ve tried really hard I think the past year+ but … just to address the all encompassing *waves hand vaguely* but also that we might be on hiatus, and/or I’ll be back dating posts (like this one!), which is the “apologies” part – to the wonderful review crew, and guest authors.
It’s also a bit of a “sorry not sorry.” In that … I really am truly sorry when posts don’t go up as scheduled. I really do try with A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet, and I want to keep trucking on. Especially considering the hundreds of dollars (literally) I’ve sunk into this site.
… The “not sorry” part is though … there have been times I couldn’t (or can’t) walk, or times when I’ve literally lost my words. So … sorry (not sorry!) to the authors etc who can’t understand me not being able to talk or have words to me personally, outweighs the importance of their post or edits going up in a “timely manner.”
And sure, some people don’t know about all that shit I’m dealing with behind the scenes. And they don’t have to. But things are what they are. And I just wanted to explain to all of you … there’s just all this shit going on.
So – as it says – my apologies. Thank you for sticking with me. <3 Hopefully this too shall pass with good resolutions and such … and as before and always, I’ll keep on keeping on to the best of my ability. [And also sorry I’m just too tired etc to even find a picture to pretty this post up.]
Much love to you all. <3
It’s okay, Lime. Life happens.
It’ll be fine. No worries
Stuff happens, and it isn’t always good stuff. Do whatever you need to do, and I hope things work out well for you.