“Desperately” Seeking: [Privately] Pierced Heroes

Hi friends! So … usually these posts are OMG I WANT/NEED THEM NOW! But … this one happened because of twitter. If you follow me you might know periodically I tweet [kindle] freebies and books on sale. It’s ~scary out there in bookworld now (so much to eventually talk about…) but anyway – so these lists are more and more curtailed – but! This was one I’d read before and enjoyed:

Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn book coverAt the time, Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn was free for kindle. Anyway, this was the tweet that set it off – and people began listing other books, but I’m in recovery and this didn’t happen as quickly as I’d like so… whatever. Good news, Maneuver by Chelle Bliss (I haven’t read/finished this one yet) also has a pierced hero.

I want to say this was a “trend” that was pretty popular in the late 00s/early 10s but it seems to be less common now. I know there are more but these are the books off the top of my head I remember… and some crowdsourced from conversations where people gave me permission to use their replies. 🙂


Maneuver by Chelle Bliss
The Game Plan by Kristen Callihan
(Maybe) Double Time by Olivia Cunning
Rock Me by Cherrie Lynn
(I think!) Fight With Me by Kristen Proby
Under Locke by Mariana Zapata

I listed the Kristen Proby I believe has one, and I’m pretty sure at least one Lauren Dane hero is too … and Joey W. Hill. (I mean, she has to … right?!) My brain is mush though.

If you’re interested, this is the tweet that set all this off … and in case there are mentions that I missed.

So anyway, what book(s) would you add to the list? (Tweets don’t show nicely but as I find them I’ll add them to the comments.) But seriously – do you remember reading any pierced heroes? And authors feel free to chime in with your own books or works in progress! Apparently this is a hot topic! 😛

7 thoughts on ““Desperately” Seeking: [Privately] Pierced Heroes

  1. Limecello Post author

  2. Limecello Post author

    And apparently, maybe keep an eye out for this 😛 😉


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