While these questions aren’t so much asked… I think it’s important to write this up.
Winners for the many giveaways will not be contacted, and must check back at the blog. Some kind individuals who host giveaways might ask for your information and track you down. That’s up to the individual.
Giveaways will generally note when they close, but if there’s a blitz of them such as for the blogiversary, there will generally be some sort of wrap up at the end of the month.
Again I will not email winners. If you enter a contest, it is your obligation to check back.
You can handle that however you wish – two suggestions are either to check back on the weekends, or subscribe and get updates.
Generally I operate on Eastern Time. (Standard or Daylight, depending.) Sometimes you’ll be asked to contact the author directly. Whether he or she chooses to send you the book, swag, etc, is up to the author. (I imagine they’ll be more fluid with this.)
*We used to be a lot more organized when this page was originally written, but things like life change. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.
Now for the reviews… (I’m writing up a grade scale and it’ll be posted soon) But for now… This is the basic scale.
A – Amazing
B – Very Good
C – Good
D – Not Good
F – Terrible
DNF – Did Not Finish (Reasons Vary)
Oh and speaking of reviews … the obligatory FTC disclaimer: We do not purchase all the books that are reviewed at ALBTALBS. Some are from the authors, the publisher, or a third party service. The rest of the books we purchased ourselves.