Hi dolls! May I please just start out with “family. ugh” please? I mean the holidays and bright + cheer and love for all – peace on earth and goodwill. … but my family it seems was made to test your willpower in all those things. So my apologies in being … well, more bad-me-ish than usual.
HOWEVER today I do have the distinct pleasure of sharing another birthday post with you! Whee! Today we have Silvara Wilde, as you see. I do “birthday calls” on twitter, and learned hers – gosh, years ago? And her birthday just so happened to fall on a post date this year, and here we are! … She tells it better 😉 so without further ado … Silvara!!
I have to say how incredibly excited I was to be asked to write a birthday piece for Lime’s blog. And also, how incredibly blonde I can be. See, it went a little something like this:
Lime: Are you writing me a birthday post?
Me: Uh, no. But I totally can! *thinking to myself ‘I don’t think I know her well enough to write her a birthday post? But I can try!’* What do you want me to say?
Lime: Your birthday is the 27th, right? It can be about anything you want!
Me: Ok! Wait… You want me to write a post about MY birthday? I was totally thinking you wanted one about YOUR birthday! *laughs loudly enough to scare her cats out of the room*
Lime: AHAHAHAHA! I’m not THAT much of a selfish bitch!
Me: Didn’t think you were either one! That’s just what my brain jumped to. This would be why the Gods made me blonde. *nods*
[This happened on twitter, and it was close enough to verbatim that I actually put it in quotes :X]
And of course, none of that was exact words or anything. Just a kind of outline/guideline of what happened. Still makes me giggle to think of it. So! Birthday post stuffs!

As you can tell, I was born on December 27th. This year, I am turning 37. I still can’t believe how old I am getting to be, especially as people who don’t actually know me usually guess my age anywhere from 17 to 30 max. I always attribute that to the fact I am less than 5 foot tall, have hair to my waist, and of course very good genes.
One year my best friend and I went out to dinner for my birthday. I was… 26 I think that year? Anyway, the hostess sat us, gave my friend the normal menu, then handed me the 12-and-under kids menu and asked if I wanted a lollypop! Thought my friend was going to bust something she was laughing so hard, and the poor hostess got so red when I mentioned that I was kind of hungry and would like the normal menu. Since I was 26 and not 12 and all…
I always hear stories from other people who have birthday’s on or near a holiday. They all seem to have family that decide since the holiday is so close to their birthday, they can just give the person one gift and say it’s for both. Makes sense right? Well, not really. But then I have been super lucky in that regard. My close family (parents and grandparents), always thought that would be pretty rude. After all, if I’d been born some other time, I’d be getting separate presents. So I always got 2 piles of gifts under the tree. One set in Christmas paper, and one in birthday paper.
The only bad birthday I ever had, – that I can remember at least! – was my 16th. 16th birthdays are supposed to be special, or so I’ve always heard. Mine sure was. That was the year that my Dad FORGOT my birthday. To this day, neither of us has a clue how that was managed. I got up that day and expected something fun, maybe going to the zoo or the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Even the Winchester Mystery House, since those were my 2 favorite places back then. (Now too, but I no longer live in California…)
Nope! Instead, we managed to do everything I HATED that day. All kinds of errands, visiting people I didn’t like, anything boring or that a teenager would hate having to do? Oh yeah, we did it. By the time late afternoon came around, Dad finally had enough of my bad attitude and yelled at me asking why I was in such a foul mood. I mentioned that he would be too, if HE had to do all the stuff he hated on HIS birthday.
I can still remember the look on his face, like someone had hit him over the head with a board or hammer or something. The lights dawned and you could just see the “oh crap!” in his eyes. But I don’t really remember anything else that happened that day. If we went to dinner, or anything good. But since I don’t remember more bad stuff, that at least had to have stopped.
Nowadays, I don’t really do anything much for my birthdays. I usually go out to dinner if I can afford to, and I’ll buy myself something I’ve been wanting. Last year my present to myself was the Sims 4. This year I’m still debating on a few things.
Has anyone ever forgotten your birthday? Do you get the dreaded “1 combined gift for both birthday and holidays?” if you have a birthday on or near a holiday? Tell me and Lime something funny that’s happened to you!
Isn’t she such a great sport? <3 Everyone please wish Silvara a very happy birthday, and tell us what birthday mishaps have happened to you. >.> Misery – and comedy – loves company, right? 😀 [I confess, making that image took an embarrassing amount of time. So everyone send Silvara virtual birthday cakes too!]