Tag Archives: Book Exchange

Good Intentions Pave the Road…

To hell and all that, yes? I had all these lofty ideas of writing reviews and also posts for H&H. I don’t think Megan reads this though, so at least I’m safe on the latter.

I can, however, tell you all about a book exchange/Secret Santa opportunity! I received the following email from Pat L. (I just copied and pasted it… hope you’re okay with that, Pat!)

If you are interested in participating, send me your wish list with your name, email and mailing addy at to: patoct@yahoo.com by Oct. 31. Wish lists and recipient info will be sent out by me around Nov. 2. Each person gets one recipient.

Include at least 15 titles with authors as well as types or authors you may want to try.

You may also include any genres or authors you do not like.

If you wish, include any other little things you like – candy, pens, notepaper, holiday items, whatever.

Pls limit your hd covers, mass mkt, new releases (books published after Nov. 20 or so) or hd to find books to only a few as I want it to be easy for your Santa to find books for you.

LMK when you rec your books as well as when you send yours out so I know that everyone has recd their pkgs. Pls mail the books by Dec. 10 so your recipient will get the pkg in time for Christmas. I am suggesting you send out at least 4 books, may be used or new. Most of you usually send more, but it is completely up to you.

If any of you have a good sites to find used or new books, lmk and I will pass it along to the participants. (besides
paperbackswap.com and thriftbooks.com which I like very much.) Thriftbooks – there is no shipping and most books are $3.95. Discountbooks.com I have not used myself but they have a few sites within that site that has used bks.

As a thank you from me for participating, I will be doing a little drawing after everyone has recd their packages and send out 2 books from your wish list if possible that you did not recieve.

Any questions, please email me.

Let’s have a fun time.


So there you go. Note – if you want in, email Pat, not me. I’m sadly not into print books these days, but I figured some of you might be interested.

And remember the super hot excerpt Ms. Alisha Rai shared with us? The winner via randomizer.org is The Obscured Vixen please email me (using the form) by Tuesday, October 4 to claim your e-copy of Hot as Hades. For everyone else… well you really should buy a copy.

Today, my BuckSadeyes lost again… but at least it wasn’t a shut out. It was a home game, and the last time we were shut out apparently was 1982. That… would have been tough for me to take. I’ve never had to deal with it. Since I’m all sad and stuff though, why not have a giveaway?

So… tell me something nice. Or random. Do you watch football? College or pro? Why or why not? Really just say something sweet or with substance and I’ll give away an ebook or two. Or more. I don’t know. But at least one!