Tag Archives: Book Trailer Reveal

Sarah M. Anderson on Cowboys and LEGO: A Book Trailer Reveal

Hello! You see we have Sarah M. Anderson starting off February with us – there has been some build up of her A Real Cowboy book trailer reveal, and it premieres HERE! AT ALBTALBS! \o/ WHEE! She’s also got a giveaway too. 😀

A Real Cowboy: Brick by Brick! Book Trailer Reveal!

I was talking about book trailers with a friend of mine a few months ago and was lamenting that most people seemed to use their kids’ Barbie dolls. But I don’t have a daughter or Barbies. I have a son and Legos. Lots and lots of Legos.

Then it hit me. I HAVE LEGOS.

Of course, my son wouldn’t just let me have full access to his Legos (even though I paid for them) without some input. So we formed a little company, Mother & Son Productions, and started making book trailers together.

Our first trailer was for Mystic Cowboy. The biggest challenge was, um, ‘arranging’ the Legos for certain scenes without, you know, emotionally scarring my son for life.

So here’s Mystic Cowboy: Brick by Brick!

The Mystic Cowboy book trailer was such as success that we decided to make more! (I’m also hoping that one day, he wins an Oscar for cinematography and takes his loving mother to the Oscars. Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?) In fact, I’m going to be offering up one Brick by Brick! Book trailer for the Brenda Novak Diabetes Auction in a few months. Yes, you too could have your very own Mother & Son book trailer!

So without further ado, I present the latest entry into the Mother & Son oeuvre, A Real Cowboy: Brick by Brick!

What do you think? One lucky reader will win a e-copy of A Real Cowboy and everyone who comments will be entered to win a Simple Touch Nook!

Now that she’s found him, how can she let go?
Producer Thalia Thorne’s career is on the line. She’s promised to lure James Robert Bradley back to the limelight, no matter what it takes. But once in Montana, she sees that J.R. has built a new life for himself–as a real-life cowboy–and Thalia finds it hard to resist the man he’s become….

Then a blizzard strikes. Suddenly they’re alone, with only body heat to keep them warm.When the snow melts, she’ll have to choose: go back to the big city–or sacrifice everything for the man she can’t let go.

A Real Cowboy is available for order!

About the Author: Award-winning author Sarah M. Anderson may live east of the Mississippi River, but her heart lies out west on the Great Plains. With a lifelong love of horses and two history teachers for parents, it wasn’t long before her characters found themselves out in South Dakota among the Lakota Sioux.  She loves to put people from two different worlds into new situations and to see how their backgrounds and cultures take them someplace they never thought they’d go.

When not helping out at school or walking her rescue dogs, Sarah spends her days having conversations with imaginary cowboys and American Indians, all of which is surprisingly well-tolerated by her wonderful husband and son. You can learn more about Sarah at her website.