Hello darlings! Today we have lovely author Cathy Yardley visiting with us! In fact, she’s bringing it with more blogiversary fun and prizes. 😀 Yay!
Milestones & Magic
In honor of Lime’s 2nd Blogoversary, I wanted to write about milestones and celebrations.
I’ve had a few milestones recently. For one thing, I just turned 40. For another, I’ll be releasing my eighteenth novel, Tempting is Hell, on January 21st. Strangely, the second thing is scarier than the first.
I have to say… I’m liking this forty thing.
Things that would drive me into a high-strung panic in my twenties barely register a “meh” on the anxiety-o-meter these days. People whose opinions used to bother me don’t even rate a response. I don’t know if that’s because I’m a Mom now (I’ve discovered sleep deprivation has created a rather drastic triage of “is this really important?”) or because I’ve been around the block long enough or what, but it’s gotten a lot easier to just let what isn’t crucial just slide.
There seems to be a corresponding courage, too. Stuff I would’ve been hesitant to say when I was younger now pops out (often with no warning.) I’m taking more risks – and trying new things.
I’ve been writing for about fifteen years now, and this is my first Urban Fantasy. It’s a totally new genre for me, with a totally new publisher. And of all the books I’ve ever written, it’s my hands-down favorite – the book I wrote essentially for myself. Even if nobody ever reads it, I’d be happy I wrote it.
In honor of Lime’s 2nd year blogging, I’d like to give away 2 digital copies.
Happy blogoversary, Lime!

Kate O’Hara can’t wait until this temp assignment is over. The woman who hired her is a psychotic pageant queen, her coworkers are convicts-turned-clerks, and it’s so boringly corporate it makes her skin crawl. Even her sexy-as-sin boss, famed billionaire Thomas Kestrel, isn’t enticement enough to keep her there. Once she makes enough to pay off her bills, she’s out. Or so she thinks…
Next thing she knows, she’s accidentally signed over her soul. Literally. And she’s discovered Thomas’s real mission: to kill thirteen bad guys in one year, in order to get his–now his and Kate’s–souls back.
From learning to boost the morale of some paper-pushing demons to navigating her way through blood-red tape, Kate has to work closely with her super-hot supervisor and get her flaky act together, before somebody clocks her out–permanently!
What do you think? 😀 Ready for more blogiversary partying? What’s a recent milestone (of any sort) that you’ve hit? [Oh, and Entangled digital books aren’t up for pre-order, so if I remember I’ll add the link on the 21st!] Remember! Two copies up for grabs!