Here we go! I’m so excited to share with you all the very first guest blog post! Please welcome Rowena:
First and foremost, I’d like to thank the wonderful Limecello for allowing me to invade her space for today. For those of you guys who don’t know me, I’m Rowena and I blog over at Book Binge (for romance) and The Book Scoop (for YA fiction). Yes, I have two blogs and yes I have a lot of time on my hands.
It was hard trying to come up with topics to post about today because there are a lot of bookish topics out there that have been talked to death. Currently, I’m in the middle of doing yet another quick re-read of an old favorite because I’ve been lazy to start a new book and I thought I’d talk about comfort reads. The book that I’m currently re-reading is Double Standards by Judith McNaught.
No matter how many times I read this book, I fall more in love with John Nicholas Sinclair. I absolutely adore this man. I know that he’s a jerk. I know that he’s a smoker and I’m not a fan of smokers but every time I read Double Standards, he knocks me on my ass. The whole story does. Judith McNaught has a special ability to make me sit up and pay attention to her stories and that’s why I re-read a lot of her books all the time. They’re comfort reads to me. Whenever I’m having a bad week and I can’t get into any of the books I’m reading, I’ll pick up a Judith McNaught and she’ll knock me right out of my slump.
The romance, the drama, the heroes, I love it all.
Some other books that are comfort reads for me are:

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve re-read the opening chapter in Honor’s Splendour when Madelyne warmed Duncan’s feet. The scene in Perfect by Judith McNaught where Julie tries to escape Zack and he thinks she’s drowned and he’s trying to save her? O.M.G. and don’t even get me started on the letter. *sigh* The ever famous window scene in Mr. Perfect and then the shower scene in Heart of Fire and who can forget the scene in Over the Edge when Senior Chief Stan gets up on stage and sings a Natural Woman? There are so many reasons why I keep going back to these books over and over again. They make me smile and they make me laugh and they just all around comfort the heck out of me.
So now it’s your turn…what books do you consider your comfort reads? The books that you’ve re-read more times than you can count and the books that are still on your keeper shelf? Share your thoughts with us!
Thanks again Limecello for having me here on your blog, me likey what you’re doing over here and I will gladly cyber stalk you over here as well as on Twitter. =)
And you guys- how sweet is Rowena, I didn’t even tell her to say anything nice! <3