Tag Archives: Cynthia Sax

WHM: Cynthia Sax on Trailblazing Women In Science Fiction Romance

Hi friends! We have Cynthia Sax back with us today, and I’m thrilled to have our first official Smithsonian Heritage post of 2019, for Women’s History Month, and such a great topic. I’m out of it so you’ll have to forgive me on timing and mistakes etc – especially when we’ve got such a wonderful guest and post!

Trailblazing Women In Science Fiction Romance By Cynthia Sax

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley book coverWhen Limecello suggested this topic, I immediately agreed to cover it, thinking it would be an easy post to write. I’d search on Google, read a couple of posts on the history of Science Fiction Romance, add my own experience in this wonderful subgenre and bam, my post would be done.

Except when I searched on this topic, very few posts were mentioned. Wikipedia’s coverage of Science Fiction Romance was sparse and mentioned only one book, a book I knew couldn’t have been the first Science Fiction Romance.

This can’t be right, I thought. There must be more articles. My mad Google skillz must be failing me. So I put out a call in a SciFi Romance group for reference articles. A couple more resources were mentioned (including Heather Massey’s A Brief History Of Science Fiction Romance) but it was clear much of the history of this female writer dominated subgenre hasn’t be recorded and, if it isn’t recorded soon, it might never be noted. It would be lost. Forever. Continue reading

SWHM Guest: Cynthia Sax on How Bad A$$ Women Changed The Computing World Forever

Hi friends!!! We have the wonderful Cynthia Sax guesting with us today! 😀 It’s Women’s History Month, and Cynthia very kindly wrote post for us! It’s pretty self-explanatory, so no further intro is needed. Enjoy!

How Bad A$$ Women Changed The Computing World Forever

You’re reading this blog post today because of the brilliant women who came before us. Without their contributions, our laptops, tablets and smart phones wouldn’t exist. Women’s History Month wouldn’t be complete without discussing them. Continue reading

Guest: Cynthia Sax On Mastered 2 & Secret Romances + An Exclusive Excerpt of One Night With My Billionaire Master

Hi friends! Here we are for the weekend! If anyone has emailed me the past few days you’d have gotten a quippy little message … I only wish I’d managed to set that up earlier. 😉 However, as you see today we have first time guest Cynthia Sax visiting with us! So everyone please remember to offer her a warm welcome and say “Hey!” 😀

Mastered 2 And Secret Romances

Thank you so much for having me here at A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet. (hugs Limecello).

I’m Cynthia Sax, one of the lucky writers contributing a brand new, never before published erotic romance to Mastered 2, a deliciously naughty boxed set. Continue reading