Well, an ARC of it at least! You know how Carly Phillips is sharing an exclusive excerpt of the first in her series, Serendipity today? Well she just let me know that a lovely box of Destiny ARCs arrived today as well! How fortuitous! If I seem to be speaking a foreign language to you… an ARC is an Advanced Reader Copy. That’s right – you get to read the book before it’s out on shelves. Way before. If you win a copy. (You can’t sell it or anything…)
So get to it! Tell me anything about either destiny or serendipity in the comments of this post and you’ll be entered to win an ARC! You know you want it! (If you don’t win… well you don’t have to way too too long – it’s out January 3, 2012. Heh, yeah – the stakes just got upped, didn’t they?) 😉 Since I’m so nice, and I want to avoid confusion, I turned off comments to this post. You’re welcome!