Hi friends! We’ve got Alexandra Hawkins visiting with us again! And she’s sharing with us about her newest book! Whoo! You can also check out the previous times she’s been here before. We’re always glad to have her at ALBTALBS! (Oh, and I tried to make the font color for the book excerpt/information a little different… while still readable. Hopefully that worked out.)
Thanks for inviting me back, Lime. Can you believe it’s almost time for another Lords of Vice installment? Book six, Dusk with a Dangerous Duke will be released on February 26th. If you’ve been following the series, you know that Hunter’s bachelor days are numbered, and the time has come for him to collect his unwanted bride. Lady Grace, needless to say, is not the sort of lady a man keeps waiting so Hunter has his work cut out for him if he hopes to gain her cooperation—and her heart.
They were children when the Duke of Huntsley was introduced to Lady Grace Kearly. The young duke—nicknamed “Hunter”—took one look at his future bride and thought only of escaping his responsibilities to his family. Marriage was for grown-ups and Hunter still had years of skirt-chasing ahead of him. But now the time has come for Hunter to heed the call: if this Lord of Vice hopes to keep all of his inheritance, he’ll have to claim his long-neglected betrothed…
With her twenty-first birthday approaching, Lady Grace dreads the thought of marrying the duke she has met only once—especially since he’s grown into a notorious rake who will probably beget his heir and abandon her in the country while he pursues fresh game in London. So when Lady Grace coolly decides to call the wedding off, even Hunter is surprised by his refusal to let her go. Suddenly, the notion of claiming and taming this green-eyed beauty is one challenge he cannot resist…
Sneak peek at Alexandra Hawkins’s Dusk with a Dangerous Duke:
“Grace,” he said, oblivious to her tumultuous thoughts. “It was never my intention to allow so many years to pass without visiting you. I realize this is not the most auspicious beginning, but I have faith we can set things right. You are not quite one-and-twenty, and I am prepared honor my end of the bargain. We will marry as soon as I can obtain a special license and—”
It took a few seconds for her rejection to register on his face. Grace concluded that not many people refused the duke. “I beg your pardon.”
“Was I not succinct?” she asked, wiggling her toes and recalling that she was barefoot. “Or perhaps I spoke too softly.”
“No, I heard you,” he said in clipped tones. “I just expect you to look me in the eye when you are tossing away an arrangement that was created for your benefit.”
To prove that she not intimidated by his presence, she lifted her eyes until she was staring into his amber gaze. The brilliant color blazed like twin suns. “Let’s not forget that you have benefited from this arrangement as well. Porter has told me that your investments have made us both very rich, and no doubt your liberties with my assets gave you certain advantages over the years.”
“It is kind of you to acknowledge that I have made you a very wealthy. Most orphans would be grateful to be called an heiress.”
What sort of man could be cruel enough to remind her that she was all alone in this world? “I also happen to be the daughter of a duke,” she said evenly. “Nor am I a fool, Your Grace. I will soon be of age, and will no longer require you to be my guardian. The duty did not suit you, and I, for one, am grateful it has come to an end.”
Seconds later he had her pinned in place by blocking any means to escape with his muscular arms. He had moved so swiftly, she could not fathom how he had done it.
“I am much more than your guardian, Lady Grace,” he said, his close proximity forcing her to tip her head back so she could meet his furious gaze. “I am your husband.”
“Not yet,” she said triumphantly. “Not ever, if I have a say about it.”
“The only words I require from you are yes and I do,” he purred, his body filling her vision. The subtle scent of man with the hint of lavender filled her nose
“Words you may hear often from your servants and mistresses, but you will not hear them from me.”
What’s next? I’m currently working on the final book in the Lords of Vice series, Twilight with the Infamous Earl. Yes, the wait for Frost’s book is almost over. The most notorious Lord of Vice will finally meet his match. Look for his book in December 2013.
Giveaway: Two lucky commenters will win a Lords of Vice book. Winners can pick their prize from the following books: All Night with a Rogue, Till Dawn with the Devil, After Dark with a Scoundrel, Sunrise with a Notorious Lord, and All Afternoon with a Scandalous Marquess.