Tag Archives: Emma Lang

Guest Author & A Giveaway: Beth Williamson (AND an Author Spotlight)

Y’all!!! It’s release day!!! Super jazzed that the lovely and awesome Beth Williamson is guesting with us on her book release day! Whoo! The print copy of Gideon is now out in the wild! She’s also the “technical official guest author of the month.”  See that “Guest Author & A Giveaway” title? So Beth of course chose an author interview. And it’s an AAD post of sorts, so release day and double duty! 😀 Let’s go!

1. Manicure, or pedicure? And what color(s) or styles?
Pedi for sure. I use my hands so much, a manicure lasts about 95 seconds before it chips. I usually get a sexy, rich color – like purple or deep pink. They have to pop.

2. What is your favorite drink? And then, let’s parse it out. Favorite juice? Favorite non-carbonated beverage? Favorite carbonated beverage? Favorite alcoholic drink?
Favorite drink, boring as it sounds, is water. I drink a lot of water, about half a gallon a day (meep!). I don’t normally drink juice – except when it’s mixed with alcohol. J. Non-carbonated beverage – iced tea, plain, no sugar. Yum! I used to love diet Coke, but I gave up soda a year ago. Favorite alcoholic drink – anything with vodka.

3. What was your first job? And what was your most interesting job that you’ve had?
My first job was working in the ladies department at Caldor in Brookfield, CT. It lasted 6 weeks then I got laid off because I was apparently holiday help. My manager didn’t even tell me – she just didn’t put me on the schedule.

Most interesting job? Hm, I don’t know that any of them are interesting. When I was in college, I interned at Lorimar Television on 6thAvenue in Manhattan reading submissions from the slush pile. That was super cool.

4. What’s the name of your first crush? Do you remember why you liked him?

Oh, that’s easy. Charlie was his name. I was 10 and he was 13, first kiss and all that. I liked him because he had a beautiful smile, one that lit up his whole face. I had it bad for that boy. I wonder where he is today…

5. What is your dream car? Or, if you don’t like cars, what would be your ideal mode of transportation?
I’m not much of a car person. I drive a Prius and it’s the perfect car for me. I rode the train a lot in college – I’d love to take a train tour of Europe!

6. Which fairy tale would you most like to be in? Which character would you be? And which would you least like to be in? Again – which character?
Oooh, fairy tales. Most of the women in fairy tales are wusses. Hm, tough choice to pick who I would be. Perhaps Red Riding Hood because she had to become a badass to fight the big bad wolf. Who would I least likely to be – Sleeping Beauty. Who waits around for a man to rescue her? Hmph.

7. How’d you come up with your author name(s)? Do you prefer one over the other?
Beth Williamson is my middle name and maiden name – so it’s really me. Emma Lang, well, that was a request from one publisher. My agent and I picked a name together, one in the middle of the alphabet, that would fit on a spine nicely, easy to spell and say. And of course I had to like it. I think it’s kinda sing-songy.

8. Who is your favorite artist? [painter/scuptor, singer/composer, dancer/choreographer?]
My favorite painter is a toss up between Degas and Monet, but I also love Mary Cassatt. I’m a fan of impressionists – definitely my favorite style of painting.

In terms of music, I have eclectic taste – I love all music and listen to so many different genres. I have multiple favorites, Black Eyed Peas, P!nk, Rascal Flatts, Jason Mraz… Music moves me in the same way books do, emotional and powerful.

9. What did you do with the money from your first royalty check?
Um, what money? LOL. My first royalty check was something like $26.00. It went toward paying down the debt I’d accumulated trying to get published.

10. What TV shows do you watch? What did you watch that went off air and you wish was still around?
Favorite TV shows are Castle, Bones, CSI (Vegas), anything on HGTV, Survivor, Fringe and Justified. There are so many shows that should still be one – number one is Firefly. I missed Cap’n Tightpants.

11. Do you collect anything? (If yes, what and why?)
I collect teacups, believe it or not. My first was from my great-grandfather’s house back in 1976. It’s a beautiful purple and gold, fancy curly handle. Since then I find unique teacups at flea markets or tag sales, and sometimes people give me one. And yes, I’m a big tea drinker. J

12. Capers – do you like them or not? What “condiment” type food do you like?
Not a fan of capers – don’t hate them but could do without them. Condiment food? Hm, I love sauces, especially creamy ones. They don’t like me but yum, I like them.

13. What’s your favorite color? Can you remember how many times that has changed?
Easy question! Purple. It’s always been purple – the color of passion. I’m gonna own that one.

14. Would you shave your head for $50,000.00? If yes, would you do it for a lesser amount/what’s your minimum? If no, how much would it take for you to go bald? And then… would you do anything with your hair?
Very interesting question. I think it’s more fashionable for a woman to be bald nowadays – there are some ladies out there sporting the no hair look and looking fly. Now as for me, provided there were ample stylish hats, I’d shave my head for $100,000. I’d donate my hair, if it was long enough, to locks of love.

15. What’s the most unique/strange silly skill your possess?
I have many unique and strange skills! Mwahahaha… I can move my pinky toes independently of my other toes. It’s magical to watch. I can also type about 150 words a minute and maintain a conversation while I type. Now whether what I type or speak makes sense, that’s another story.

Ms. Williamson is going to give away a download of any of the Devil on Horseback books and a $15 Amazon GC.


Beth Williamson, who also writes as Emma Lang, is an award-winning, bestselling author of both historical and contemporary romances. Her books range from sensual to scorching hot. She is a Career Achievement Award Nominee in Erotic Romance by Romantic Times Magazine, in both 2009 and 2010.

Beth has always been a dreamer, never able to escape her imagination. It led her to the craft of writing romance novels. She’s passionate about purple, books, and her family. She has a weakness for shoes and purses, as well as bookstores. Her path in life has taken several right turns, but she’s been with the man of her dreams for more than 20 years.

Beth works full-time and writes romance novels evening, weekends, early mornings and whenever there is a break in the madness. She is compassionate, funny, a bit reserved at times, tenacious and a little quirky. Her cowboys and western romances speak of a bygone era, bringing her readers to an age where men were honest, hard and packing heat. For a change of pace, she also dives into some smokin’ hot contemporaries, bringing you heat, romance and snappy dialogue.

Life might be chaotic, as life usually is, but Beth always keeps a smile on her face, a song in her heart, and a cowboy on her mind. 😉

And now, the book!

Handing over the reins is hard. Handing over his heart…damn near impossible.
Devils on Horseback, Book 5

Gideon Blackwood is on the run—from Tanger’s meddling matchmakers. With no intention of following the rest of the Devils down the aisle, he heads for the hills to reassess a life spent leading and caring for others…and runs smack into the business end of a shotgun. At the trigger: a curmudgeonly woman with a broken axle and a load of responsibility.

In Chloe Ruskin’s experience, men take what they want and leave a mess of trouble behind. The safety of two orphans and her granny is at stake, and the last thing she needs is Gideon’s “help”. This time, though, she has no choice but to allow the big cowboy to fix her wagon.

As they work into the night, grudging admiration grows into attraction—and desire. Gideon finds he can’t dig his boot heels in hard enough to avoid falling for the opinionated little female.

When Chloe’s family disappears, her suspicion threatens to destroy any spark of love before it catches fire. Gideon finds himself making promises his pride won’t let him break—even if it costs him the love of the woman who owns the missing half of his soul.

So – what do you think of Western romances? Do you prefer them as contemporaries, or historicals? Ever read anything by Beth Williamson or Emma Lang before? Have any questions for her? Or just have something you wanna say? Go for it – there’s prizes up for grabs! ;D