Tag Archives: Empowered Women

Guest Author Lucy Monroe: Writing Imperfect People is Empowering

We are beyond excited to have author Lucy Monroe join us today to share with us how the current social climate changes thanks to movements such as #MeToo have changed, or not changed, how she writes romance. 

Kostas's Convenient Bride by Lucy Monroe Book CoverMay 1st is Protomagia in Greece, otherwise known as May Day (or Labor Day internationally), because this is the day that people take off work, and head for picnics in the countryside.  Honestly? I can’t imagine Andreas Kostas (Kostas’s Convenient Bride) taking the day off, any day off. I’m pretty sure that the years he spent living in Greece with his despised Georgas family, he never observed such a holiday.  He was too busy scheming for a way out. A way out of Greece, a way away from the family that caused his mother so much grief, a way to make his mark on the world without the Georgas influence.

Because he is an alpha hero, a man confident that he is supposed to have a place in the world and that place is not at the bottom of the ladder.  It’s at the top. He’s pretty damn sure that his best friend and business partner, Kayla Jones is supposed to be at the top with him.

But when he shows up in New York, tracking her down, she’s utterly shocked. Continue reading