I can’t believe February is almost over! Eek! To (almost) close it out we’ve got fabulous Eden Bradley visiting with again! (By the way, did you know she’s a total shoe whore?! As if I needed more reasons to like her. <3)
Sometimes the forbidden…
is irresistible…
One taste is never enough.
For university professor Mia Rose Curry, it was all academic: her course in alternate sexuality was a safe, socially-acceptable way for her to talk about the things she desires most—but has never let herself experience. And while students crammed into her class to learn about fetishes, bondage, voyeurism and much more, Mia kept her own raging desires, and her most private fantasies, carefully under wraps…until one student undressed her with his eyes…
Jagger James is everything Mia wants and everything taboo, yet Mia can’t help imagining drawing closer and closer to this forbidden fruit. She soon discovers how much Jagger wants her, demanding she abandon every inhibition with him. Now, they are about to take a dangerous step, tempting each other’s flesh, savoring every touch and breaking every rule in the book—knowing that this dazzling, sensual feast is only a taste of something more to come…
Jagger spilled a crêpe from the pan onto a small platter, sprinkled it with a fine dusting of powdered sugar. His mother had taught him to make crepes, and they came out perfectly every time.
“I’m glad we ran into each other at the farmer’s market this morning, Mia Rose.”
“So am I. I’m sorry I’m so…stubborn sometimes. Stubborn and neurotic.”
“Maybe I like that about you.”
He smiled at her and she laughed.
Wrapping his hand in a dishtowel, he lifted the Pyrex bowl of strawberry compote he’d just made from the pan of hot water and spooned a bit over the crêpes, then set a few fresh strawberries around the edge of the platter.
“This looks amazing.” Mia Rose was perched on a bar stool, leaning onto the counter, a look of pleasure on her face. Her beautiful face. Dazzling when she smiled, as she did now. Yeah, that was the word for it. Dazzling. And cooking for her felt damn good, better than it had in a long while.
He flipped the dishtowel over his shoulder. “There’s nothing like home made crêpes. Most people don’t realize how easy they are to make. I’ve been making them since I was ten years old.” He set the platter down on the counter and sat on the stool beside her. “Here, you have to taste them while they’re still hot.”
He cut into one with a fork and lifted it, was surprised when she blushed. But she opened her mouth, let him slip the fork between her lips. Something sensual about watching her eat, about the way she savored the food. The way she took the food into her mouth, between those red lips…
He shifted to ease the ache in his groin.
Mia Rose moaned softly, her eyes closing as she chewed. “Oh, that’s really good, Jagger.”
She spoke as if she were talking about sex, rather than food. His father had been the one to tell him that if he wanted to get a woman into bed, to give her chocolate. But he knew after talking with her the other night that food was sex to her. And suddenly, because of that, it was to him, too.
He smiled, took a bite himself. “Yeah, it is. I like to make these late at night. I don’t know why. They taste better after midnight for some reason.”
“Maybe I’ll have to find out.”
He caught her gaze. Her eyes were shining, an impossibly deep green. And a strange surge went through him, something sexual, yes, but also a sort of realization. That there was definitely more to this food thing for her than the usual sybaritic pleasure most food lovers took in the flavors and textures. It went even deeper than what she’d told him about her sexual desires and food. And something inside him connected with her on that level, so that her desires were suddenly his own.
Keeping his gaze on hers, he fed her another bite, watched as she closed her eyes once more, her dark lashes shadowing her high cheekbones. Heard the soft sigh of pleasure she made low in her throat when he fed her one of the ripe berries. She bit into it, and he watched the way her teeth came down on that delicate red flesh, the way her lips wrapped around it.
Oh yeah, pure sex. Sex and food.
He was getting hard. Even more when he took another bite himself, letting the sweetness fill his mouth, and always watching her: her pouting red lips, her gleaming eyes. And without thinking too much about it, he set the fork down and dipped his fingers in the warm strawberry sauce, touched a fingertip to her lips. She opened right up, licked the tip with her tongue, then took his finger into her mouth. Pleasure moved through him, straight to his groin. And he saw the flush on her cheeks, felt the desire coming off her like some palpable thing, feeding his own.
“Here, try this,” he murmured, reaching over the counter to pick up the container of powdered sugar.
He tapped some onto a spoon, held it to her lips, and didn’t even need to tell her to open for him; she simply did it, the tip of her pink tongue waiting for him. He sprinkled a little there, watched her close her lips, smile.
“Oh, that’s nice, Jagger.”
There was no mistaking the smoky tone to her voice, the flushed cheeks, the quickness of her breath. There was no mistaking his own excitement.
Her gaze was on his as he leaned in, pausing only inches from her mouth. He saw her small smile before moving in to kiss her. She was all sugar and strawberries and Mia Rose. The sweetest lips imaginable. Even sweeter when he opened her mouth with his tongue and slid inside.
He took her face in his hands, kissed her harder. And the taste of her, the feel of her, was making him crazy already, crazy with needing her, with images of the sugar on her lips. On her body. Oh yeah. Too good to resist. She would love it. And his cock was rock-hard, ready for her.
He stood, pushed his stool away with one foot, and started to undress her. She didn’t resist as he slipped her sweater over her head. He wanted to see her naked breasts, but it was so good to take one moment to pull back and watch her nipples going hard beneath the sheer white lace of her bra. His mouth was actually watering.
He pulled his shirt off in one sweep, then reached out to cup her breasts through her bra. She leaned into him, moaned softly. He could feel the heat of her in his hands, her hardening nipples. And when he undid the front clasp and let that smooth flesh fall into his hands his cock gave a hard twitch. Lord, her skin was on fire, and her nipples were full and dark red. He wanted to touch them, to taste them.
He reached for the container of powdered sugar, tipped it and let it fall in a shower of fine white dust onto her breasts. She gasped. And he smiled at her, at the shock and the lust on her face before he bent down and ran his tongue over her powdered skin. Sugar filled his mouth, along with her sweet, pliant flesh. His cock was throbbing. He pushed her breasts together with his hands, sucked the sugar off one hard nipple, then the other, before really going to work, licking the sugar from her skin, the curving mounds of her breasts, the tender flesh in between, while Mia moaned and writhed in her chair.
“God, Jagger…Oh…”
Her hands went into his hair, held him tight, her fingers burrowing. He could hardly stand it, to have her responding like this, to feel her shivering beneath his hands, his mouth.
He had to fuck her. No question about it. He pulled back.
“Promise me you won’t move.”
“Yes, I promise.” Her voice was breathless, sexy.
So what’d you think? Do you like the spicy reads? Come on, you want to let us know. You’ve been quiet lately, so we’re going to bribe you. 😀 Someone who gets chatty is winning a $10 Amazon gift card as well as an e-copy of Eden’s menage novella Summer Solstice. Or actually, don’t. Then I can try to convince Eden that I should get those things by default. Cuz I want ’em!!!
And just for kicks, check out the UK cover. Curious minds want to know – which do you prefer?
P.S. – you can read another excerpt here. (NB It might open up as a pdf)