Tag Archives: Go Comment


Social Media for Social Good is happening right now!

And there are giveaways!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Then also if you comment on the SMSG post, Ki Pha has a giveaway you can enter too!

And lastly… I might choose a winner from all commenters on the SMSG post – just tell me you want to win something and we’ll see what happens! So if you’ve commented before… DO IT AGAIN!

*If you don’t know how to leave the link from your comment… This should help. (I borrowed it from two years ago, but the concept is still the same…)

This is what you do – find your comment from this post, and hover your mouse over the date time stamp. Like so.

Now, if you have a mac, hold down the “control” button and click. If you have a PC, use your right mouse button and click. Like so.

The link for my comment is: http://www.tartsweet.com/2012/10/27/water-changes-everything/comment-page-39/#comment-8872
See? Once you have the link url copied, you can enter it into the giveaway widget. If you commented a while ago, feel free to just leave a new one instead of digging through trying to find your original one. Nobody will mind.