Tag Archives: Happy New Year

HNY: Welcome 2020! ALBTALBS Is Old As Shit!

… So that title is pretty indicative of my mood.

But! Before we get there – Happy New Year, Lovelies! <3 🎉🎊🍾🥂

ALBTALBS turns 9 this year. (I guess there are a few posts from December 2010 but … whatever those were kinda tacked on I think so we’ll just go with January 2011 being the official start so I can [hah!] perhaps plan some sort of big blogiversary bash for next year. >.>)

It’s been kinda a rough year for Team ALBTALBS, and Babs is our (only) rockstar reviewer. Shout out to Babs, who is the absolute best.

The rest of us are, uh, gonna try to do better. (Honestly our baseline shouldn’t make it that difficult … >.>)

And now … I didn’t talk about the Cristiane Serruya plagiarism mess last year because I felt like so many other people had covered it better. And I believe it was right before I was put out of commission for a few months. There was the “Cocky”™ mess … as well as a number of other trademark messes … But if you don’t know about what’s happening with RWA … the last time I read it (last week?) Claire Ryan had one of the best timeline/summaries. I’d also like to note – I’m not calling it “drama” or a “kerfluffle” because this isn’t some whatever shit. It’s serious on multiple levels – the racism, the implosion of a major professional organization … the multiple (unending it seems) levels of bad actions and bad actors…

So yeah. We’re just gonna truck along. Hopefully blogs make something of a comeback. And hopefully A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet is along for that ride.

Thanks so much for sticking with us! <3 I often wonder if I should just shutter the whole thing. But for now … we’ll be here. I’d love to know if you’re still here with us too. <3


Hello my wonderful friends! <3

If you were (or are!) out and about, I wish you all the joy, fun, and safety.
If you’re recovering from a night out 😛 may you do so quickly and not have to deal with people or work.

And my hope for all of us is that we have a better 2019 than previous years. May we not continue on with “there is no bottom” and move onwards and upwards!

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” – Edith Lovejoy Pierce

And you know, ::insert fireworks or confetti gif I’m too lazy to find:: … and now it feels like a real and proper Limecello/ALBTALBS post, right? 😉

Hello 2018!

We made it!!! We’re past day one of 2018, some of us are into day three of 2018, and most of us are almost done with day two. We did it. [Because 2017 was overall in the global sense of things … generally a fucking garbage fire.]

So, if personally 2017 was a pretty good year for you – take that win. <3

This stunning photo by NorWood Themes: https://unsplash.com/@nordwood

I (also) loved the google doodle. (And didn’t realize it had been an entire series for the holiday season.)

We may have some changes coming to ALBTALBS (or not, that’s how we roll) – and as always, if you’d like to write a guest review, or think piece, or have ideas and such, I’m happy to hear them! <3

Happy New Year to all and all the best to everyone!


2015 to 2016

Happy New Year!!! [Nobody says “Happy New Year’s Eve” right?]

Anyway, welcome 2016! Good riddance, 2015! I know some people had an amazingly fantastic year. I might say – if pressed – that 2014 was worse for me? But … 2015 was not a good year for me. At. All. I can’t say things will get better, but at least they won’t be 2015 things anymore, right?

So here’s to new beginnings and shiny new things and all the bubbly you would like to drink. However, instead of a stock photo of sparkling wine … I’m leaving this tribute to 2015 😉

Cuz that’s how I feel about it.

Xoxo – hope to see you all in the New Year! <3