Tag Archives: Janice Maynard

Blogiversary Guest: Janice Maynard!

Hi friends! I’m so thrilled to welcome back Janice Maynard on the last day of January! We’re just doing things all over the place and offering giveaways galore here at ALBTALBS! 😀 It’s been ten years! We do what we want! 😜 Anyway Janice was kind enough to write a post and offer a prize, so read on!  <3

Happy Blogiversary to Limecello! I’m honored to be here today celebrating such a fun milestone!

As I was debating what to share with you, it occurred to me that Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. It will look different this year, of course. (My husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary in a restaurant parking lot eating carry-out.)

Whether you’ll be observing Gal-entine’s Day, or maybe you and your significant other are lifting a glass, because you’ve managed not to strangle each other during quarantine, this year’s events will be unlike any others.

Instead of reporting on a new release, I’d like to tell you about an older book that takes place in exactly this time of year. As you probably know, publishers “buy” the rights to publish books for a certain period of time. Eventually, those rights revert to the authors who can then re-publish the books. Continue reading

Teaser Tuesday Exclusive Excerpt: Scot on the Run by Janice Maynard

Hi friends! It’s Tuesday again! And for now, the last scheduled Teaser Tuesday spot on the calendar for now! I think we all know the drill – it’s supposed to be a minimum 1,000 word excerpt of an new or upcoming book that isn’t posted anywhere else. Because at ALBTALBS I care about you getting things that are fresh and new. 😉 Right? Heh. So without further ado, enjoy!!!

Bella is housesitting in Portree, Scotland, for her brother, Finley, while he’s on his honeymoon.  She expects a quiet time, enjoying the harbour town’s breathtaking views and quaint shops. So imagine her surprise when one of Great Britain’s most eligible bachelors comes pounding at her door in an attempt to evade both the paparazzi and a flurry of female fans. Unaware of his celebrity status, Bella reluctantly gives him sanctuary. Yet the surprises keep coming, and soon she’s persuaded to accompany him to Edinburgh . . . as his faux fiancée. But while helping him fend off his ardent admirers, Bella just may gain one very authentic admirer of her own . . .

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Guest Janice Maynard + An Exclusive Excerpt of Twins on the Way

Y’all I’ve read Janice Maynard’s books (or novellas) since at least 2006… possibly earlier  – with those Brava anthologies. Remember those? So I’m very pleased to welcome her to ALBTALBS as a guest today! 🙂 Everyone please give her a warm welcome, as she’s a first time guest! \o/ Continue reading