Hello friends!

If you’d like to be a reviewer, contact me. Note, I’m mean and picky, so I want thought out reviews. None of this “slap on the book blurb and a plot summary.” What do I mean by reviews? Well, the ones posted on this site are a great indication. Or the sole one I’ve written for Heroes & Heartbreakers on Carolyn Jewel’s Not Wicked Enough. Or the ones I wrote for TGTBTU (um that also leads you to opinion pieces…) so there you go. I’d think that’s sufficient.
If you already write reviews but your current style is different from mine… don’t link me to what you have – send me a sample and we’ll discuss. I’m not saying you 100% must conform to what I do. But I will say I know what I don’t want.
Secondly… dudes. I need dudes. Specific dudes. Special dudes. What am I getting at? Men. Who read romance. Or guys. Whatever. They don’t necessarily have to be adults. (Although I don’t know if I can feature an underage kid on my blog who reads erotic romances. That’s so… *shudder* skeevy and urpy.) You see? I thought about it.
Anyway, I’ve been playing with the idea for a while. And then I saw Shiloh Walker had Myke Cole do a guest post. (Sound familiar? Mr. Cole is guesting here today and hosting a giveaway! How generous!) And I know there are a few male reviewers floating around – at least recently-ish I’ve seen links to DA and SBTB.
I’m not seeking out male reviewers – no. But I want more… reader posts from guys who read romance! It’s like… the romance reading unicorn, right? (I think I just really like saying the word unicorn. Also much more fun in theory than practice, unicorns…) Other than in this case.
I think it’d be really interesting, and a good fresh perspective. And I like doing things that are new and creative. Like when I started Teaser Tuesdays last year – I knew there was the meme going around, but mine was different, with sharing excerpts. At least, I thought I was original insofar as the google searches I ran and convinced my friends to run for me as well since my google-fu sucks.
My point is – I want guys who read romance to share their thoughts. On everything. Their reading tastes – likes and dislikes. Books or authors they enjoy. Or avoid. How they feel about the marketing and/or covers. I’d especially love to find guys who read romance like every other book. I mean – not the odd romance once every 10 years. Someone who reads romance rather regularly. (See where the unicorn part is coming into play?)
Based on my rudimentary research it seems more likely for an author who is male to also read romances, than someone who isn’t an author. Both are interesting – I just want the posts to be written with the “reader hat” on.
I’ve also lost my train of thought which is kind of a good thing because I wax on the O.D.* side of things generally.
In summary.
Trying to find:
A: Reviewers. Join me!
B: Guys who read romance novels – Contact me (please!)
Are you a male who reads romance? Do you know any males who read romances? Please either have them contact me, or get in contact with me!
*I’m not writing it out cuz it’s gross. But if you really have a burning desire to know, ask and I’ll tell.