Tag Archives: Keep On Keeping On


Oh my lordt y’all – yes! L-O-R-D-T! It’s May! Which means it’s APAHM! And Lime, you might ask, WTAF are all those letters?! Well let me tell you! We all need periodic reminders. SHM stands for “Smithsonian Heritage Month” here at ALBTALBS. … Now you’re potentially going “WTF is ALBTALBS?!” … ALBTALBS = A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet. The name of the site. (No, it’s not “Tart Sweet” – that’s just the url because typing out the whole damn thing/using it as a url seemed … not smart.) … If you ask what “WTF” stands for I might cry. I mean, what the fuck, right? 😉

OK. APAHM. That’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! That’s just what it’s called! Some say APIA is more accurate … which would be Asian and Pacific Islander American.

We’re hobbling along with the Smithsonian Heritage Months and every year I think about hobbling it because why even bother, right?! I’ve been doing this for 4-5 years at least, and just what even. Romanceland is really trying (or so it says) to embrace diversity and be more diverse. And then you get the pushback of “tokenism” and “you only care during X months.” I’m speaking generally here…

Here’s the thing – ALBTALBS has an open door policy. Anyone is welcome to guest at any time. For the Smithsonian Heritage Months, I try to make the extra effort to especially highlight and celebrate our diverse members.

I sometimes think about giving up, but then will get a message that someone went through the SHM posts and bought the books of authors who wrote guest posts! Which is fantastic! And a the reason for keeping on.

So I hope everyone takes SHMs in the spirit in which they’re meant – in joy and lifting up. (Yes I realize I’m pretty much preaching to the choir here … especially since I’ve said time and again you all are much nicer than I am. Q.E.D.)

Anyway if people want to participate, they’re welcome to. You might have noticed in 2018 I opened up all the SMHs to anyone and everyone. I don’t care what color you are, your identity or background, you can write a guest post for any month. I hope you join us!