Tag Archives: KissCon Weekend Affair

About Avon’s KissCon Weekend Affair!

Hi friends! So I know this is coming down to the wire (like a lot a lot) – it was meant to go live on March 5th, but timing didn’t align – but if you’re a procrastinator or were on the fence… hopefully this gives you information/the push you need! While this is the first ever KissCon Weekend Affair … I will say I’ve been to other Avon events, and a KissCon, and they were all great. Avon puts together fabulous events for readers – where you get actual time with authors, but not just that, there’s the swag, treats, everything is really well done. Anyway, without further ado, info from Kayleigh about the event! 

Avon Presents KissCon Weekend Affair

I’ve always thought there was something magical about cons. For one weekend, like minded individuals are brought together to celebrate something that they love so irrevocably, that it’s deeply rooted in their soul.

For some, it’s comic books. For us? It’s romance novels.

Avon has been hosting regional KissCon events for years, bringing a panels of 6-8 authors to indie bookstores (and libraries!) around the US for a two-part ticketed event filled with cheeky games, Q&As, a signing, and for VIP ticket holders, a wine and cupcake mixer that allows for more intimate mingling with their favorite authors. Basically, these small one day affairs are four hours of pure romance bliss, where you’re definitely going to go home with an HEA moment (and a lot of really great swag).

After the continued success of the regional KissCons, we began to wonder: what would happen if a KissCon lasted the entire weekend? Could we take four hours and stretch it into a full weekend of romance and wonder? Being the overachievers that we at Team Avon, we could say only one thing: YES! Continue reading