Tag Archives: Lime Did Something

Don’t Faint! I’m Announcing Winners!

Hello Ladies! (No seriously, is there any dude who reads ALBTALBS? If yes, speak please, so I can figure out a proper/most awesome form of address.) This is a winner’s post! No lie. I’m starting with 2015… so … sorry if I missed things. If I did, feel free to let me know. I’m just not up to checking. Going back into 2014 for various reasons will make me want to kill myself. >.> … Probably. But it’s not a theory I’m willing to test. Especially since today has been … off. And to be honest I’m kinda impressed with myself that I’ve even been posting at least every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday so far this year. Let’s all keep our expectations for me low, shall we? (No really, please do that.)

So whatever. Whine whine whine, amirite? I also still need to write An Explanations to Heritage Posts … probably. >.> Right? Cuz everyone’s all WE NEED DIVERSITY AND DIVERSE BOOKS IN ROMANCE! And then … >.> Continue reading