Tag Archives: Looks Like We Made It

We’ve Hit Double Digits! AKA ALBTALBS Turns 10!

Happy 2021! We made it! Limecello here. 

Hi friends! I’m writing this as I watch the game. There are less than 5 minutes left. I “opened” this post just as the game started so … my emotions have been ALL OVER the place. Which … is kind of how A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet has been since its inception.

The past few years, if you’ve stuck around, you know have been slow. For various reasons. First and the biggest being blogs are a “bygone” thing … but also there’s just … a lot going on here with the crew. I’m a mess. Others in the review crew have a lot going on. At least one of us is still in school.

So! I really wanted to thank you for sticking with us! <3

I’m really going to try to post at least a BIT more regularly. Definitely Aidee and Babs are really consistent with providing reviews. Faster than I post them. 😬😅 So there’s that to look forward to.
I’d like to revive the Smithsonian Heritage Months … we’ll see how that goes. (If anyone would be interested in participating, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!)

As a thank you, nearly every post will include a giveaway this month. All the guest author posts will, definitely. And you know what? SO WILL THIS ONE!

I want to be clear, anyone is always welcome to enter any A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet giveaway. Sometimes there will be US-only giveaways because of location, or different prizes… and/but here’s one for the authors. I’ll do a 50 page beta read of anything you send me. I might do more, but I promise to read and comment on at least 50 pages. I tend to edit as I go, so you’ll get that too. I’ve beta read and edited for NYT and USA Today best sellers in the past, and was the editor-in-chief of a law journal.

Comment on this post, and throughout the month … I’ll be drawing a name at the end of the blogiversary. If you’d like me to do a beta read, drop a comment here and if you want, the gist of your story. The winners will as always be drawn randomly to keep things fair.

Anyway, thanks for sticking around, I hope you win a prize or two, and you’re also always welcome to write a guest post or review!

*ETA: As some clarification … Please add in your comment if you want to enter the beta read giveaway. I’m going to assume everyone who has already commented is a yes, just in case, unless I personally know the person or they tell me not later … but anyone after 6 PM on Saturday, January 2nd, please indicate whether or not you’re interested in the beta read. Thanks!