Tag Archives: Lots of Fun

Special Guest Author & A Giveaway: Jennifer Haymore

Hi friends! Today we have one of my most favorite people visiting with us! Fabulous author Jennifer Haymore! She’s super sweet and totally awesome. She’s also our inaugural Crazy Fan Letter Author! Whee! Obviously she’s a great sport, and she chose an Author Interview for her GA&AG spot. šŸ˜€

What five dead authors would you invite to a dinner party if you could?
Stephen King (Iā€™d like to hear his comments about the food), Anne Rice (to talk about vampires in literature) , JR Tolkien (to discuss the LOR and Hobbit trilogy), JD Salinger (love it if he actually said something), and Diana Gabaldon (to discuss historical Scotland. And Jamie Frasier).

If you could be a super hero, what would your nemesis be named? And what would your super hero power be?
My power would be astral projectionā€¦or life. I could infuse life into anything. My enemy, of course, would be death. LOL

Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself.
(1) I was secretly engaged to my husband when I was seventeen.

(2) Iā€™m terrified of spiders.

(3) I enjoy watching my favorite movies over and over again.

What’s your favorite tv show? Now your favorite guilty pleasure secret shame show. I’m talking Real Housewives, The Kardashians, Bridalplasty, Jersey Shore, etc. *shudders*
Downton Abbey is my favorite right now (although they killed off a main character last week so Iā€™m none too pleased at the moment!).

Secret shame show would either be Storage Wars or American Idol!

If you have to listen to a song 24/7 for four days, which one would you choose?
Kill me first.

What’s the best book you read as a school assignment?
I loved a lot of the books everyone else hated in school. šŸ˜› My favoriteā€¦hmmmā€¦probably Jane Eyre.

Are you an early bird or night owl? What made you so?
A night owl, thanks to genes and coffee!

What kind of toothbrush and toothpaste is on your bathroom counter right now?
Oral B electric toothbrush and some fancy kind of whitening Crest.

What is your writing process?
I write mostly when I have big chunks of time in which to do so. It usually ends up being from when my husband gets home at night to the wee hours of the morning.

I used to be a pantser (wrote all my stories by the seat of my pants) but now that I write under contract, I always write a pretty detailed synopsis first. After my editor discusses the story with me, and we work out the kinks, I begin. After I start a book, lately, Iā€™ve been writing hard, every day, until itā€™s done. I find that I feel closer to the characters and situations when I donā€™t take days or weeks off from the story.

What’s the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you at school? And what about at a conference?
At school: Ā Having my college boyfriendā€™s dorm-mate come home early one Saturday nightā€¦

At conference: Walking into a room of a group of people Iā€™d met before, and after recognizing and greeting all of them, realizing none of them knew who I was!

Do you collect anything? If yes, what?
Most anything related to my children (their favorite toys, school projects, etc.). Ā They grow up too fast, and when the last one leaves for college, Iā€™m sure I can spend years scrapbooking and organizing.

As a child which character/book(s) would you most want to be [or be in] a Laura Ingalls Wilder book, Madeline L’Engle, Lloyd Alexander, L.M. Montgomery, or Gail Carson Levine? Or if none of those, which book?
Close call, but I think Laura Ingalls Wilder. I have always loved historical places and situations and ever since I was a kid, I have always dreamed about/envisioned living in a different time.

What would you put in your ideal candy bar?
A bunch of magically delicious and healthy ingredients that contained no carbs or fat.

Walk in pantry, walk in closet, or extra garage space?
Extra garage space. We have more junk than can fit in a pantry or closet. šŸ˜›

What is your secret plan for world domination?
Work harder than everyone else (so fair Iā€™m a total fail at this hard-work ethic, so it looks like Iā€™m not headed for world domination!).

Bio:Ā  Jennifer holds a bachelorā€™s degree in Computer Science from UC Berkeley and a masterā€™s degree in Education from UCLA. Before she became a full-time writer she held various jobs from bookselling to teaching inner-city children to playing bit roles in soap operas.

You can find Jennifer in Southern California trying to talk her husband into yet another trip to England, helping her three children with homework while brainstorming a new five-minute dinner menu, or crouched in a corner of the local bookstore writing her next novel.

One lucky commenter will win a copy of Pleasures of a Tempted Lady, and the winner of the crazy fan letter contest for this month will win a $20 gift card to Barnes & Noble. šŸ˜€ Isn’t Jennifer lovely and generous?! (I’ll be adding more information to the “Crazy Fan Letter” contest today, so keep an eye out. Thanks!)

New ALBTALBS Ongoing Contest!

Hi friends! This is something I am totally excited about and really really hope works out. Of course, this is where I depend on you! So please, please, join me! It’ll be fun for everyone!

You know how I’ve been trying to think of some way to make the “Guest Author & A Giveaway” feature more special? I think I’ve done it! A few years ago, Mad and I came up with something silly when I had a contest idea while I was blogging at TGTBTU. I’m re-sharing what we wrote with Sybil’s blessings.

Dear Larissa,

Thank you so much for writing your Demon books. Iā€™ve been following the Demonica series since the first one, PLEASURE UNBOUND was released, and I canā€™t tell you how glad I am that I found them.
An author is writing books that are specifically relevant to me! I, too, have my own special Demon who rocks my world. Itā€™s so nice that you do too, and that you can understand where Iā€™m coming from.
One of my problems with the series is when Wraith gave the Heofon to Kyran. Wraith would never have done such a thing because it would have been all about him and no one else. Why did you do that? You were wrong. Why would he do that?
And youā€™re wrong about Hell. Iā€™ve been there. Satan is super cool. Iā€™m going to tell him about your sucky books.
If I had more time, Iā€™d tell you more about my Demon, but you donā€™t deserve to hear about him. Iā€™m going to tell my demon to kick your demonā€™s ass the next time he sees him in hell.
I hope you learned your lesson. Iā€™ll be looking for your next Demonica book, just to see if you did. Do not disappoint me in this. I do not like being disappointed.

Your #1 Fan

P.S. Iā€™ve got my eyes on you.

And these were the two winning entries.

Dear Helen Kay,

Notice that Iā€™m spelling your name the proper way. Why do you smash the Helen and Kay together? Thatā€™s really weird. Do you do it on purpose, or did your parents do that to you? Can they speak English?

Anyway, I wanted to write to you for advice. I keep trying to write a book but can never get past the first page. Can you help me? Maybe if you read my page you could give me advice. And donā€™t give me some bullshit legaleze about being unable to read unpublished work. No one has to know except you and me, and Iā€™m totally trustworthy. I would never sue you, even if your next book was a complete ripoff of my ideas.

Thank you for your time, and Iā€™m enclosing the page. Please read it. If you donā€™t, Iā€™m going to make sure everyone knows how selfish you are, and no one will ever read your books again. (Thatā€™s not a threat, just a fact, because if youā€™re a selfish person, I just think people should know.)

Your fan,

Wanna Be

Followed by a generalized one:

Dear HelenKay Dimon, Larissa Ione, Jaci Burton, and Lauren Dane.

I know you receive a lot of fan mail. Some of it questionable. However, I am not a nutjob. I read your books, I put them up and other than sacrificing a newborn kitten every year on the release date, they stay on the keeper shelf waiting to be re-read.

Iā€™m writing today about Limecello

For years now Iā€™ve read her blog. Her reviews make my change purse jingle. Sometimes sheā€™s made my Amazon account sob. And ooo the times Iā€™ve giggled!! Even when she gets snippy and tart sheā€™s still a wonderful blogger gal.

So in her honor Iā€™m sending you this list of things to make out of limecelloā€¦

With Limecello juice you can make:
Lime Pie
Lime Marinade to soak meat in

With any jiggly bits:
Lime Jello Mold

Crunchy bits:
Crispy Lime Cookies
Lucious Lime Crusty Chicken

So for the sweet, savory, jiggly and the crusty end this letter with a heartfelt appeal to you. Please Authors, send me Limecelloā€™s address so I can GPS her and squeeze the juice outta her. Feel free to roll her around on the countertop to soften her up before I get there.


Freaky Fruit Freak

These are just examples to let you know how ridiculous and hilarious you can be. The crazier, the better.

Now you’re (hopefully laughing) but also asking what is supposed to be crazy and wacky?! CRAZY FAN LETTERS!!! Yes! I’m bringing it back!

So each month, the Guest Author & A Giveaway author will be the subject. šŸ˜€ Yes, you will write the craziest, nuttiest, most stalkertastic fan letter possible to the “author of the month.” You don’t have to have read the author before – the authors websites should have sufficient information for you to come up withĀ something. I just want to make sure everyone knows thatĀ everyone can enter each one.

It’s of course all new, so lots of material there. I’m thinking that I am going to keep the contest open until the 20th of each month – to give people enough time to enter. And we’ll see about prizes. I’m still debating if there should be a monthly one, a big annual one, or both. (Or maybe the author herself might pick one she loves.) But the point is, lots of fun and lots of laughs. And the additional incentive of some sort of prize! Maybe a $25 gift card and whatever contributory prizes I pick up along the way? [Sorry – but I’m poor. Like, literally painfully below poverty poor XD – so maybe life will be nice and I can offer a huge awesome prize. We can cross our fingers. But for now, it’s not determined.]

Nobody knows. But I’m excited about it. Are you with me?!

Incidentally, first up will be Jennifer Haymore. šŸ˜€ And now I have to go update the calendar… now to decide whether I delete the previous years info, or somehow bury/archive it… Thoughts?

Don’t worry – I’ll have more information soon onĀ how I want you to enter. (Where to send the fan letter email, what the subject should be, and so on. And since I’m mean, I obviously reserve the right to automatically disqualify any and all incorrectly addressed entries.) šŸ˜€ I expect I’ll either be creating a new page for this, or adding it to one of those already in existence. Don’t worry – I’ll let you know!