New Year! New Post! New book! New series! New author? No wait – not that last one. 😉 Today we have the wonderful Emma Lang visiting with us! I’m going to call her Beth [Williamson] though, because that’s how I first met her and I’m a brat like that. (Also if you type in it redirects to Beth Williamson’s site.) I’m really excited to start out 2012 with Beth, because I think she’s absolutely fantastic. And how could it be bad to start out the year with someone who is so nice? Well, to me at least, and isn’t that all that really matters? 😛
Whaddya mean it’s a new series? A new family? Impossible!
How can I top the Malloys? Or the Devils? How can I start a new series with a new family? It’s impossible, right? Like betraying the family you love – because I do love the Malloys and all my Devils, and yet…
It was time to move forward. Time to find a new family to create grand adventures for and to fall in love with. It was time.
And so, the Grahams, and the Circle Eight series, were born. This family of 8 children in 1830s Republic of Texas has a true frontier life. Hard, unforgiving, deadly and violent – they also have an incredibly strong family bond. It’s a circle that cannot be broken.
Book 1 is Matthew’s story – he is the oldest of 8 at 24 and shoulders the responsibility of the ranch after their parents are murdered and the youngest Graham, 5-year-old Benjy, disappears. The circle isn’t broken, but it’s definitely injured.
Each of the Grahams is different of course, and creating their individual personalities was a challenge. I didn’t know them well but I had to get to know them.
Here they are… Olivia is 21 and has a temper to rival any forest fire. She’s stubborn and bossy, yet she hides her vulnerable side, the one that weeps for her parents and Benjy.
Caleb is 19, a young man who has lived in the shadow of his father and Matthew all his life. Desperate to prove himself, he bucks Matthew’s authority at every turn. He needs to find his place in the world, come hell or high water.
Nicholas is 16 and worships Matthew. He’s smart, perhaps the smartest Graham, and will prove to them he has more to offer than just an extra hand on the ranch.
Elizabeth is 12 going on 40. She is very serious for a pre-teen, not the hothead like Olivia, but not sweet like her younger sisters. She will surprise them all.
Rebecca is 9, a girl trying to shake off childhood and embrace being a young woman. Life’s tragedies has changed her into a girl who is afraid to ask for anything, or to love, for fear she will lose what she holds dear.
Catherine is the youngest girl at 7. She’s precocious, honest and still holds the shine of innocence. She misses Benjy, her closest friend and brother, but she holds the rest of her family dear, showing everyone just how they should be have.
Benjy is the youngest Graham, missing before we can meet him. His disappearance fuels his siblings’ quest and shapes their future.
There you have them – the Grahams. My new family, my new series. Matthew is going to find that being the responsible one isn’t easy…
Le Blurb:
A man learns to hold what is his…
It is a vast spread in the eastern wilds of the newly independent Republic of Texas, the ranch their parents fought for … and died for. To the eight Graham siblings, no matter how much hard work or hard love it takes, life is unthinkable without family…
In the wake of his parents’ murder, Matthew Graham must take the reins at the Circle Eight. He also needs to find a wife in just thirty days, or risk losing it all. Plain but practical, Hannah Foley seems the perfect bride for him . . . until after the wedding night.
Their marriage may make all the sense in the world, but neither one anticipates the jealousies that will result, the treacherous danger they’re walking into, or the wildfire of attraction that will sweep over them, changing their lives forever.
You can also read an excerpt of there book here. Beth has very kindly offered up a copy of Matthew to one lucky commenter. And I bet if you ask nicely she’ll even sign it for you. 😉 So what do you think of new series? Or series in general? Have any questions for Beth aka Emma? (She’s been massively swamped at work, so I doubt she can stop by quickly, but I know she’ll definitely stop by when she can!)