Tag Archives: Melissa Schroeder

Author Spotlight: Melissa Schroeder

Y’all you are in for a treat today! Author Melissa Schroeder is… 😉 kinda here with us – more like one of her characters, and she’s sharing drink recipes! Fun, right? 😀

Hiya, everyone! My name is Dee Ross, and Mel told me that she wanted me to share some of the favorite drinks of the islands with you. She figured that with summer just a couple weeks away, that you would need some good party time drinks.

First, a little about me. I work at the club Rough n Ready, which is owned by my husband Micah and his best friend Evan Chambers. I am a bartender and love the job. Of course, R and R havs strict policy of no alcohol if you are going to be playing in the rooms, but if you aren’t there are a few of these you could enjoy. And sadly, at the moment, I can’t drink or play because I am entering my second trimester, boo. But, for those of you wanting a taste of the islands, here are a few drinks.

First, I want to share the quintessential Hawaiian Drink: The Blue Hawaiian. Everyone MUST try one of these and while they can vary from place to place, this is my recipe.

Blue Hawaiian
1 oz Light Rum
1 oz Blue Curacao
3 oz Pina Colada Mix (Or 1 part Crème de Coconut and 2 parts Pineapple Juice)
1 Cup Ice
Combine ingredients in a blender or mix well and enjoy on the rocks.
Truthfully, I prefer to use the Crème de Coconut and Pineapple juice. I think it tastes better)

Pina Colada
Although everyone associates this with the islands, the story is a Puerto Rican bartender Ramon Marrero invented it in the 50’s.
4 oz Pina Colada Mix (Or 1 part Crème de Coconut and 2 parts Pineapple Juice)
1 oz Light Rum
1 Cup Ice
1 oz Half and Half or Milk (Optional, for those you like it creamy)
Toss everything into a blender  or you can even serve it on the rocks. A pineapple or cherry are great garnishes but everyone MUST have that little paper umbrella!
If you want the Chi Chi, substitute Vodka for the Rum!

Tropical Itch
Micah says this one sounds like something you catch, but it is kind of a favorite of tourists. This is a modern cocktail that everyone likes if you can get a little backscratcher to add to the glass. If you cannot get your hands on Lilikoi (passion fruit) juice, just substitute a mix of your favorites.
1oz Vodka
1oz Light Rum
1/2 oz Orange Curacao or Grand Marnier (Triple Sec will substitute)
3 – 4 oz. Passion Fruit Juice (Or get creative!)
Shake well and pour over ice.
Add a little backscratcher to the glass and you are all set!

Now, Mel has a drink she adores. It is her favorite of all time and when she is at the club, I know I will be making a lot of them, lol. It is a LAVA FLOW.

Lava Flow

1 oz. coconut rum
1 oz. light rum
1/2 banana
2 oz. pineapple juice
2 oz. coconut cream
2 oz. frozen strawberries

The first thing you need to remember is to blend the strawberries and rums separately from the other ingredients. And rinse out the blender. The key to preparation is to blend the strawberries and rums separately from the other ingredients, rinsing the blender between steps. (If using strawberry puree, you can skip this and simply blend all ingredients except the puree.)

Pour the strawberry mix or the puree to the bottom of a large glass (a collins or hurricane glass).  Then add the blender ingredients, or as it’s often done, reverse and pour the strawberry mix on top. The red strawberry mix swirls in the drink, simulating a lava flow.

Of course, if you know Mel, you know she loves to cook. Now, I took Ala Moana Shopping Center for Pork Footballs, but Mel can’t find a recipe for that. One of her favorite things to make though is Kalua Pig in the crock pot, serving it over sushi rice. If you are a true Hawaiian you will tack on a serving of macaroni salad.

Kalua Pig

One 6 pound pork shoulder roast (also called butt)
1 ½ sea salt (Hawaiian if you can get it)
1 T liquid smoke flavoring

Pierce pork all over with a fork, then rub salt and liquid smoke over meat. Place in slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 16 -20 hours, turning once. Remove meat from slow cooker and shred, adding drippings as needed to moisten.
This is the best way to cook it if you can’t make it to Hawaii for the pig in the ground. Of course, if you do make it over our way, hit up Paradise Cove where Danny Aiona works as one of those sexy fire dancers.

Make sure to check out Mel’s latest two releases in the Harmless franchise:

A Little Harmless Fascination
Amazon  B and N Kobo

Possession: A Little Harmless Military Romance

If you want to know more about me and how I became Dee Ross, you can read my story in A Little Harmless Lie!

I hope you enjoy the recipes. You can always drop by and let me know at the Rough ‘n Ready Facebook Fanpage. Micah and Evan run that. And, if you are Harmless Addict, there is a group for you where Mel hangs out sharing insider info, has special contests and get togethers at reader cons.

Melissa Schroeder is the author of over 40 short stories, novellas and novels in anything from sensual to erotic and historical to futuristic. She is a military wife who hates bugs so the AF devises assignments for her husband in places with bugs big enough to eat her children.

If you are going to AAD NOLA, Mel will be there all over the place so make sure to say hi! She is hosting the Saints and Sinners Open Bar with Kris Cook, and she will be featuring her new paranormal series at the Cursed n Blood Affair!

Mel spends way too much time on the web so you can usually find her around: Website, Twitter, Facebook Fanpage, Pinterest

Mel is also offering a giveaway – a signed or digital copy of A Little Harmless Fascination OR Possession. Winner’s choice and she is happy to ship internationally. So tell us – what’s your poison? Your favorite drink of choice – currently, or your go to… both! Either!

Guest Author & A Giveaway: Melissa Schroeder (Birthday Edition!)

I don’t know if she knows this… but Melissa Schroeder is one of the very first e-published authors I’ve ever read. Back when I was in college. Which was oh-so-long ago. 😉 I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her at RomCon – and she’s a lot of fun. Irreverent, but really nice too. I enjoy her wicked sense of humor, and she lets me bother her even when her status says “DO NOT DISTURB!” Which… frankly is why I do it. I just can’t resist. :X Anyway- her post!

Hey, everyone! If you don’t know me, my name is Melissa Schroeder, known to one and all as Mel. I write sensual to erotic romances. I want to thank Lime for allowing me to be here on the best of all days, HER BIRTHDAY. I would have recorded me signing to happy birthday, but well, I like Lime. If you heard me sing, you would understand this is the bestest kind of gift to give. But, today is about birthdays and being an author, I am a little self-centered. So, I will talk about my birthday.

Why you ask? My birth date sucks. See, I’d like to actually GO somewhere on my birthday but it is on January 4th. It was horrible growing up that way. Both my sister, who has a late December birthday, suffered this as a child. Yes, I did end up sticking my oldest with one in January, but it is later in January. And, it is her cross to bear. And let’s remember, this IS about me. So, back to me. As a child, being so close to Christmas and the time when all the kids go back to school, your birthday is forgotten. You get things wrapped in Christmas paper, and yeah, it irritated not only my sister and I, but also our mom. It was hard to have birthday parties. Being military, a lot of people went out of town for the holidays. Now, as an adult, I have kids to get to school that day. Actually, I call that a wonderful birthday present when they go back ON my birthday.

But, as usual, I digressed bitching about things that are kind of boring. I mean, not to me because of that whole being self-centered. I really do love to talk about myself.

Anyway, I have always wanted to do a birthday trip. It is impossible because of the timing. Kids have to be in school and hubby has a job, blah blah.

So, I would like to go somewhere cool like Tahiti or Greece…something exotic. Part of me would love to go with my husband. But, I am taking him to Italy next year for our 20th so I think it would be fun to do a girl trip. First, I would say Vegas. Of course, it might end up like The Hangover and we would end searching for someone. And one of us would be married to a stripper. Actually there is a very good chance that would happen. So, a resort for the rich and famous where we could be pampered and cared for and just relax. I don’t often do girl things. So, this would be a huge treat for me. And, of course, we would go first class all the way.

So, if you could do one trip, where would you go and who would you go with? And, you have all the money you need so there are no worries in that corner. Everyone who tells me what they would like to do will have a chance at a $25 GC from your choice of online bookstore!

And, again a BIG OLD HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lime. I would send you hugs and kisses, but…well…I know your preferences. So, I am waving…and not singing.

Melissa Schroeder is the author of close to thirty novels, novellas and short stories including her bestselling Harmless series. Her latest digital release is A Little Harmless Addiction from Samhain publishing. She is married with children, both natural and the adopted four legged variety. If you want to know about her and her books be sure to check out her website, follow her on Twitter or stalk her on Facebook. Oh, and if you are addicted to her Harmless series, she has a facebook group just for you.

Erm, and if anyone feels compelled to send me on a luxury trip on my special day… well you know. It’d be rude not to accept, right? 😉 I’m not even picky – I’ll go on any fancy trip you pick for me! 😛