Tag Archives: Modern Family

Shelli’s First Ever Quarterly Post!

Hi everyone! If you checked out the updated “About” page – this is what I mentioned with Shelli’s post. So we have best selling author Shelli Stevens with us, just chatting about whatever! So… this will pretty much be my first and last “intro” for her. ;P She’s also been a guest here previously, and you can read her author interview questions and answers. So without further ado… Ms. Shelli! 

So here’s a confession: I’m not a big television watcher.  I’m just not. When I do watch, it tends to be the local and national news (honestly it’s pretty much always on in the background). Don’t get me wrong, I love a juicy series or sitcom, and maybe that’s part of the problem. I could get too addicted to watching. I’d have to watch each and every episode. My evenings are already crowded with helping the kid with homework, getting her bathed all that fun stuff, and I have yet to figure out Tivo or…what’s that other word? Where you record it? Yes, this really IS how cable challenged I am.

But some shows are just too fabulous to avoid. And really, I think watching TV can up often spark creativity if you’re a writer. So I allow myself a handful of shows a week, if I so desire. The show I absolutely love and rarely miss: Modern Family.  My second would be Pan Am, which will likely be canceled, because EVERY show I fall in love with is canceled (Ex: Pushing Daisies, which, whoever was in charge of axing that show can suck it). Shows I may or may not pay attention to if it’s on in the background: Suburgatory, Happy Endings, Once Upon a Time, The View, True Blood (the whole blood/puncture wounds squicks me out though), Dancing with the Stars (my daughter has the DWTS watching bond with grandma), and probably a handful more.

So are you a big TV watcher? What shows are on your favorite? Am I missing something awesome? Leave a comment and I’ll draw a name for one winner to receive a copy of Savage Hunger, or another e-book off my backlist.