Tag Archives: Planning 2015

Feedback and The Future!

Hi friends!

So, I had some questions about what to do with ALBTALBS in the future … as always if you have any suggestions I’d love to hear them!

Now … I’m planning on celebrating Heritage Months again in 2015, and doing this for real. 2015 WILL be better! *fistpump*

Along with that, in 2014 I tried to keep it very focused (for when I was around). But … that meant something ALBTALBS does regularly had to be cut out – Birthday Posts! So … since you’re the ones that are regulars and reading this … how would you feel about birthday posts concurrent with Heritage Months? (Of course the birthday person most likely won’t be the race/ethnicity/speciality of the Heritage Month … but I figure I already did that in ’14?) What do you think? Yes reach out to the birthday people?

Secondly – Teaser Tuesday posts. Do you like them? I know I’ll continue them … but should I leave them at two a month? Or post exclusive excerpts every Tuesday? Then also – do you notice or care who provides them? (The author or the publisher?)

Let me know please!!! I’ve been going crazy with this and asked around and then I was like well hello – I should ask the people who actually read ALBTALBS since they’re the ones who will be affected and should have a say! (Or you know, even dictate things! :P)