Tag Archives: Planning for a Cruise

Guest Post On Cruises: Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

Hi friends! I often put out calls for guest posts, and FormerlyHurogGirl responded on twitter, saying she could talk about cruises. I’ve never been on a cruise, but have always wanted to – so I was like “YES!” This is a lot of information, so I hope you find it helpful like I did! Because this is something I know nothing about I did a copy and paste job, just tweaked some formatting. 🙂 Feel free to ask FormerlyHurogGirl any questions!

Fiction makes cruising look simple.
I’m here to tell you – fiction lies!

Cruise ShipIn days of old, when covered wagons and dinosaurs thundered across the plains, you could look at your significant other, and say “hey, let’s go on a cruise next week!” You’d find something that left from a local port on the appropriate day, didn’t last longer than you had time for, and if you could pay for it, you packed your bags and went. Nary no more, my lasses and lads, nary no more, no more my dears. Cruising can be very good “bang for the buck” as a vacation, One pack/unpack and no travel arrangements between destinations, food and basic drink unending, entertainment included in fare. But you need to be aware of several pitfalls, and that’s most of what I m going into here, the potential negatives, so that you can avoid them. Continue reading