Tag Archives: Release Me

J. Kenner: “Staycation, All I Ever Wanted” – The Joys of Lounging and Reading

Hello my darlings! I have internet! The sun is shining! I have soup! (These are very happy making and exciting things.) And today, we have J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) visiting with us! I’m normally not all about blog tours, but Sue from Random House asked who was in, so of course I was! I hope you all enjoy – Julie has a great topic today. (Don’t know why but I also feel the urge to call her Julie J. :-P)

“Staycation, All I Ever Wanted” – The Joys of Lounging and Reading

Yes, I know that I’ve bastardized the lyrics of the Go-Go’s song, but the sentiment is true.  Because I don’t want an actual vacation (well, I always want a vacation … Paris, anyone?) but simply one weekend with no distractions and nothing to do.  Nothing, that is, but read.

I don’t know about you, but my TBR pile is spilling over.  Fortunately, I read most books digitally these days, which means that I don’t have to buy another house to store all of my bought-but-unread books.  But every night the pile calls to me, but work and life and kids interfere and I can’t just blow through them the way I want to (that way being by a pool with a drink, and maybe a massage thrown in as a break between chapters).

Recently, my husband and I were talking about our upcoming Disney World vacation and the fact that it was going to be so much fun – but exhausting at the same time.  I mentioned my fantasy of a reading-only vacation.  I was picturing the place we went in Mexico on our honeymoon—good food, lots of pools, a swim-up bar—but without the PITA factor of traveling.  Something close, something just for a weekend …

Not terribly surprisingly, he jumped all over the idea.  And a few hours later—since I am nothing if not Type A—I had reservations for us at Central Texas resort.  And, yes, there is a swim-up bar.  There is amazing food.  And there is a spa.

Soon—so temptingly soon—we’re checking out of real life for the weekend, charging up our Kindles, and heading off for our Staycation.

I. Can’t. Wait.

Have you ever done a Staycation?  Think it sounds tempting?  May I be so bold as to suggest that you relax with one of my books, maybe even my latest release, Claim Me by J. Kenner, the second book in the bestselling Stark Trilogy following Release Me!

And, hey, my TBR pile may already be full, but I always have room for more books.  So if you have the perfect book to add to my ever-growing list, give a shout-out.  After all, I can always book a second (and third and fourth …) staycation!

Bio: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author J. Kenner has written over 40 books under multiple names including Julie Kenner and J.K. Beck.  You can learn more about her at her website or connect with her on Twitter or on Facebook.

 We also have a lovely giveaway for all of you! “A copy of Claim Me to one lucky winner … a print copy if the winner is in the U.S. or a digital copy if the winner is outside of the U.S.” (And I don’t have the official word on it – but I’d think if you’re in the US and would like the digital copy, that would be ok too… but you know, don’t take that as gospel.)