Tag Archives: RWA15

On Randomness, Diversity, and Smithsonian Heritage Month Posts

Hi friends! So there’s as usual a ton going on … but I spent most of last week in New York, and am in fact still in the state, although no longer in the city. That’s the me update, and there’s a lot of talk and tea spilling, and general … follow up and fall through. We’ll see if any of that comes out here.

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What I want to say here and now is that I’m looking for romance authors and readers to guest for the upcoming Smithsonian Heritage Month posts for the remainder of 2015. They are Hispanic Heritage Month, and American Indian Heritage Month. I know race/ethnicity is a lot more complicated than those labels and they might not even be the preferred ones, but that’s what the National [Smithsonian] labels are, and that’s what I’m using to keep things consistent.

So, if you are a Hispanic and/or Latino romance reader or writer, or Native American, I would love to have you be a guest for the Heritage Month 2015.

Along those lines, I’m looking to schedule into 2016. We’ve got Black History Month (February), Women’s History Month (March), Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (May), Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15), and American Indian Heritage Month (November). What I want to do in 2016 is open it to anyone not just readers or authors of each specific ethnicity. Since this is a book blog, I want a[nother] focus to be if you’ve ever read a book with such characters that left an impression on you. I’m still working out the details, but I’m looking for people, so if you’re interested, please let me know.

Thanks lovies! I hope to be back to a more regular schedule and content soon!

Till next time, xoxo.